Joint Loss Mangagement Committee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, December 12, 2024 10AM. Stark Fire Station
Call to Order
JLMC Chairman Dan Peel, called the meeting to order at 10:20AM
Persons Present for all or part of the meeting
Committee Chair, Dan Peel, supervising member Stephan Gilman, Select Board member Crystal Pelletier, employee member Dennis Lunn
Signed meeting minutes from previous meeting.
Old business
Dan stated he intends to go to all of the Town buildings to check that the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) have all been updated by the heads of department and that the Lab 1400 documentation that the JLMC members created is present. He intends to do this inspection mid January. Dan will reach out to those JLMC members who have not turned in their Lab 1400 documentation.
New business
Dan Peel is investigating the two bridge incidents for potential safety issues and will give a report to the SB soonest. He will also look for solidification of policy guidance for reporting procedures.
Next meeting is February 13th 10am at the Stark Fire Station
Crystal Pelletier made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dan Peel motion passed, meeting adjourned at 11am.
Committee Purpose: “The purpose of the JLMC, through a non-adversarial and cooperative effort, is to promote and ensure the safety, health and well-being of every employee, volunteer and elected official working for, and in benefit of the town of
Stark, New Hampshire Call to order:
Dan Peel declared the meeting open at 10:04 a.m. at the SVFD building.
Person present: Dan Peel, Crystal Pelletier, Dennis Lunn, Linda Wentworth, Stephan Gilman and Jay Beaton.
Approval of minutes:
A copy of the previous meeting was read and signed by members present.
Old Business:
Dennis completed the inspection of the town garage. He will also call the manufactures of cleaning products he uses at the Heritage Building to get MSDS information.
Dan reminded members that the new Safety and HEALTH Policy was avaiilable to review and sign at the town hall.
Crystal stated that the paint stored in the pump house had been removed and it was locked.
Members were reminded to review the L1400 Polley to see if any of it pertained to their building inspections.
New Business:
A question was asked; Who does maintenance on AEDS? Stephan stated a monthly check list should be posted for someone to sign off making sure the power is on to the device.
Jay volunteered to do it.
The ventilation issue at the SVFD was discussed again. Stephan suggested ceiling fans may help. Crystal will recommend to the SB that they check with the fire department on this.
Training on first aid, cpr, aeds and fire extinguishers was discussed. Stephan stated the fire department could do a fire extinguisher training. These trainings are possibly redone every 2 years. There was a question: Does the state offer classes or if Primex does and who in Stark may be available to do some? The Red Cross was mentioned pertaining to first aid classes.
Crystal agreed to review the Primex paperwork.
The budget for the JLMC was mentioned possibly being 1000 dollars. Crystal will check on the cost so far this year to see if there needs to be a change for next year.
The next meeting will be Monday, September 23, 10 a.m. at the SVFD building. Crystal made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Stephan, all agree. Time adjourned was 10:47 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Linda Wentworth, Secretary Joint Loss Management Committee
Joint Loss Management Committee
Meeting Minutes
June 27, 2024 10 am
Stark Volunteer Fire Department Station
Persons Present
Members: Crystal Pelletier, Dan Peel, Dennis Lunn, Stephan Gilman, Linda Wentworth.
Others: Cheryl Nolan
Committee Purpose: “Through a non-adversarial and cooperative effort, promote and ensure the safety, health, and well-being of every employee, volunteer, and elected official working for, and in benefit of, the Town of Stark, NH.”
Call to Order: Dan Peel declared the meeting open at 10:08 am.
Minutes: Minutes of previous meeting were read and signed.
Old Business:
· Stephan Gilman made a motion to open discussion, 2nd by Dennis Lunn:
· Dan Peel supplied building inspection checklists to members doing assigned inspections.
· Safety Policy
*Crystal Pelletier spoke of updates she had researched; safety policy last updated July 2018.
*Stephan Gilman motion to have new safety policy written up, 2nd by Dan Peel. Motion Passed
*Dan Peel agreed to have Patty Peel, Town Clerk, print up a copy for members to review and sign before
presenting for Select Board approval.
· L1400 Policy Updates
*Crystal Pelletier researched; no updates since 2016.
· Fire Department Roof
*Roof has been repaired by a volunteer; Dan Peel mentioned not a safety issue so should not be brought
up at JLMC meeting.
· JLMC Information Folders
* Discussion about who has/who needs folders. Crystal Pelletier showed how she organized her folder. Boiler inspection certifications do not need to be in binders.
· Building Inspections
*Inspectors will not on inspection list any item “Not Applicable”.
* Discussion about non-flammable safety vests.
*Inspectors should note which buildings have AEDs and which buildings need AEDs. The Heritage Center does not have an AED. Training may need to be provided on the use of AEDs and fire extinguishers.
· Dan Peel suggested an Annual Safety Meeting be held for all employees.
· Evacuation Procedures and Emergency Management Procedures were discussed. Does the Town have plans in place? Do these procedures need to be considered and posted somewhere?
Dan Peel made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Stephan Gilman.
Meeting adjourned at 11:13 pm.
Next JLMC meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 10 am at the Stark Fire Station.
Joint Loss Management Committee
Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2024 11 am
Stark Volunteer Fire Department Station
Persons Present
Members: Crystal Pelletier, Dan Peel, Dennis Lunn, Jay Beaton, Stephan Gilman, Linda Wentworth.
Committee Purpose: “Through a non-adversarial and cooperative effort, promote and ensure the safety, health, and well-being of every employee, volunteer, and elected official working for, and in benefit of, the Town of Stark, NH.”
Call to Order: Crystal Pelletier declared the meeting open at 11:05 am.
Minutes: Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was discussed and it was agreed to wait until copies can be made up and ready to be signed by those present.
Meeting Discussion:
· Stephan Gilman made a motion to elect Dan Peel as new chairman. Dennis Lunn seconded the motion. All were in favor.
· Linda Wentworth agreed to continue taking meeting minutes.
· It was discussed that copies of updated information on the Safety Programs and LAB 600 Workers Comp. need to be made.
· Boiler inspections were discussed. Dan agreed to contact the appropriate inspectors and get them all certified in Town buildings.
· Crystal suggested members get a second binder for new paperwork as old one becomes too full and heavy.
· Crystal agreed to have new inspection sheets made up for building inspections and Dan agreed to distribute them.
· Dan was assigned the transfer station inspection, Crystal the fire department, Dennis the Town garage and pump house, Jay the library, Stephan the Town Hall, and Linda the Heritage building.
· Jay Beaton brought up the subject of the SVFD roof needing fixing. Crystal agreed to ask for volunteers to fix it.
· It was agreed to have monthly meetings until get caught up on issues needing updating.
· Next meeting will be Thursday, June 27, 2024 at the Fire Station at 10 am.
Dan Peel made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier.
Meeting adjourned at 12:05 pm.