Select Board Meeting Minutes



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, January 31, 2025

10 AM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Member, Glenn Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present:

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings—January 23, 2025

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to waive the reading of minutes, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Select Board Signed the Following:

  • Deputy Treasurer’s Report for Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, General Fund
  • Deputy Treasurer’s Report for Oct, Nov, Dec Heritage Account
  • Sign Northumberland Ambulance Contract for 2025

Budget Items/Finalize 2025 Budget Proposal

  • 10:30 am Zoom/Assessing
    • Met with Monica Hurley of Northland Property Valuations (NPV) to discuss hiring in Town; for this year Select Board is looking just for pick-ups. Northland Property Valuations will complete pick-ups based on information from returned PA-28s. Letters will be sent out to taxpayers to expect a visit from NPV, letter and postage at NPV cost. NPV will measure and list properties and complete data entry of changes in the Avitar CAMA system. This work will be completed at a rate of $57.00 per parcel for 2025.  
    • Motion by Crystal Pelletier to accept Northland Property Valuations quote for $57.00 per parcel for pick-ups in Stark for the 2025-year, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed
    • Select Board discussed the 2025 budget proposal for assessing in 2025 and feel that the pick-ups can be completed for $6000.
  • Treasurer
    • Crystal Pelletier made a motion to appoint Betty Arbia as the interim treasurer until March 2025 Town Meeting, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed
  • Review budget proposal and warrant
    • Select Board reviewed warrant articles and budget.
    • Select Board discussed Accessible Voting System


Motion to adjourn at 11:10 am by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd Henry Dion. Motion Passed

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

___________________________________                          _____________________________________            

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

___________________________________                          _____________________________________            

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Select Board Meeting/Budget Hearing February 5, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting February 12, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting February 19, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Town Meeting/Elections March 11, 2025 at Stark Fire Station   Town Meeting at 2 pm

*Select Board Meeting March 5, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, January 23, 2025

4 pm

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Member, Glenn Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Dan Peel

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings—January 15, 2025

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to waive the reading of minutes, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed

Sign the Following:

  • Select Board signed the Certification for the Town Report.

Budget Items

  • Voting Machine—Select Board discussed the use and purchase of the voting machine mandated by HB 1264.
    • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to establish a line in the budget for the programming of the voting machine with $600 in the budget, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed
    • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to establish a warrant article for the purchase of the voting machine mandated in HB 1264, up to $7000, with funds to come from Unassigned Fund Balance.
  • Public Works Insurance—Select Board discussed medical insurance for the Public Works Director.
    • Crystal Pelletier made a motion to join the NH School Health Care Coalition, SAU 58s insurance group, to provide medical insurance for the Public Works Director position, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed
  • Ambulance Contract
    • Crystal Pelletier made a motion to accept the 2025 Emergency Medical Services Contract with Groveton Ambulance, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed
  • Warrant Articles
    • Select Board reviewed the following warrant articles: library, backhoe capital reserve, establishing emergency highway capital reserve.
  • Highway Budget
    • The Select Board reviewed and made changes to their proposed budget for the highway department.
  • Appraisal Budget
    • Utilities—Select Board will work with DRA information to complete utilities assessments
    • We will budget $10,000 for an assessor to complete pick-ups this year.
    • Patty Peel will check with neighboring communities to see what assessor they are using for pick-ups.
  • Budget Meeting set for January 31, 2025, at 10 am

Other Business

  • Firewall—We will pay for the firewall for another year but will research other options for IT services.


Motion by Crystal Pelletier to go into nonpublic, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant. Motion passed.

Select Board entered nonpublic at 5:22 pm

Select Board returned to public session at 5:33 pm


Motion to adjourn at 5:33 pm Glenn Wiggin, 2nd Henry Dion. Motion Passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Select Board Meeting/Budget January 31, 2025, 10 am Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting/Budget Hearing February 5, 2025, at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting February 12, 2025, at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting February 19, 2025, at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting March 5, 2025, at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Town Meeting/Elections March 11, 2025, at Stark Fire Station   Town Meeting at 2 pm


Select Board Meeting Minutes/Nonpublic Session

Thursday, January 23, 2025

4 pm

Stark Town Office

Members Present: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal T. Pelletier, Henry J. Dion

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session made by Crystal Pelletier, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session:

RSA 91-A:3, II (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation

       of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting.

       This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of

       a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session: Glenn Wiggin-Y, Crystal T. Pelletier-Y, Henry Dion-Y        

Entered nonpublic session at 5:22 pm.

Other persons present during nonpublic session: Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

Description of matters discussed and final decisions made: Crystal Pelletier presented letter regarding ATV riding on roads out of season, which is not in compliance with OHRV Town Ordinance. The select board discussed the incident and made the following decisions: A warning letter will be sent to the individual citing the Town Ordinance and the possibility of a fine. If the disregard for the Town Ordinance continues, the Select Board will impose a fine.

Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

The public session reconvened at 5:33 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

6 pm

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chair, Glenn Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier (On Speaker Phone), Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Stephan Gilman, Jim Hickey, Jack Pepau, Bob Gale, Colin Wentworth

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to recess the business meeting to go into the budget hearing at 6:00 pm, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed.

Budget Hearing

Select Board Reviewed Proposed Budget for the 2025

Select Board discussed proposed changes to the Capital Reserve accounts; proposed budget asks for $11,000 to go into Bridge Account. A new proposal reduces that to $1,000 with another $10,000 going in out of Fund Balance if any exists on December 31, 2025.

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to leave the budget hearing and reconvene the business meeting at 6:15 pm, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept the proposed budget with modifications to the Bridge Capital Reserve, reducing the Bridge CR in Article 9 to $1000 and adding another warrant article for $10,000 to come from fund balance if available December 31, 2025, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings—January 31, 2025

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to waive the reading of minutes, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed

Select Board Signed the Following Documents

Select Board signed General Fund Manifest 5 Totaling $111,636.70.

Select Board signed Stark Heritage Center QuickBooks Reconciliation with Passumpsic Bank.

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to renew the contract with CAI Technologies for map maintenance, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

 Select Board signed Map Maintenance Agreement with CAI Technologies

Request to be on Agenda

Bob Gale, Financial Situation

  • Bob Gale reported that he wrote a check on Nov. 12, 2024, to the Town for items dropped off at the Transfer Station. The check was returned to the Town due to the account being closed and Mr. Gale was notified by phone that he owed the Town a $30 penalty plus $31 to cover the check, payable to the Town in cash. Mr. Gale voiced his belief that the check bounced because the Town sat on it for 77 days; he closed the account prior to that time. The Select Board will investigate this information and will revisit at the next meeting.  

Department Reports

  • Transfer Station
    • AVRRDD Permits/Stephan Gilman—AVRRDD Board will not allow us to write on or alter the permits for individuals to drop off items at AVRRDD
    • Motion to stop using permits to AVRRDD for residents to haul items themselves, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed

Old Business

  • Town Welfare
    • Table until next meeting
  • Job Descriptions
    • Henry Dion updated SB on positions in Town; majority of job descriptions covered under RSA.
    • Henry Dion is writing job descriptions, currently working on Office Manager, Transfer Station Manager and Attendant. Henry would like the SB to review and revisit at the Feb. 19, 2025, meeting.
  • The Leighton Meadow Bridge Release of Funding Updates is available in the Town Office for review.
  • The DRA Mass Appraisal Report is available in the Town Office for review

New Business

  • Holmes Abatement—Motion by Glenn Wiggin to deny the abatement as the abatement did not include enough supporting documentation, 2nd by Henry Dion.  Motion Passed
  • Frizzell Abatement
    • Ray Frizzell has been billed for buildings that are not on his property since 2018. The SB feels that is a Town assessing error so we should refund the money. Patty Peel will come back to the Select Board with an amount at the next meeting.  
  • School Care Insurance
    • Select Board discussed the FSA/HRA/HSA options available through insurance. Patty Peel will discuss the options with the employee who qualifies for insurance; if he is interested Patty Peel will work with School Care to get set up. 

Other Business

  • Select Board signed an intent to excavate for Roger and Arnold Drouin, Map/Lot 405-63.1
  • Select Board signed the certification page to be included in the Town Report
  • Crystal is working on writing a letter to the Secretary of State requesting an exemption from compliance with RSA 659:25 II and 659:20-b for the Town of Stark, NH.
  • Henry Dion asked about other abatement applications that had been submitted; we are waiting to hear from Avitar as all abatement applications have been sent to them.


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:41 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

___________________________________                          _____________________________________            

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

___________________________________                          _____________________________________            

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Planning Board Meeting February 12, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting February 19, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting March 5, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Town Meeting/Elections March 11, 2025 at Stark Fire Station   Town Meeting at 2 pm



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

6 pm

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Member, Glenn Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Stephan Gilman, Jarrad Jewell, Brian Eldredge, Robyn Eldredge, Jack Pepau

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings—January 2, 6, 13, 2025

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to waive the reading of minutes, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following:

  • Select Board Signed QuickBooks to Passumpsic December 2024 Reconciliation for General Fund
  • Select Board Signed QuickBooks to Passumpsic December 2024 Reconciliation for Heritage Account
  • Select Board Signed Pistol Permits

Department Reports

  • Public Works
    • Public Works Director, Jarrad Jewell, updated SB on roads. Discussion regarding plowing at fire station. The Public Works Director and Fire Chief will work together to decide how far back to push snow at fire station.
    • Screens for Salt Spreader—Crystal Pelletier made a motion to purchase new screen frames/screens for the plow truck if the cost includes the I-Beam, 2nd Henry Dion. Motion Passed
    • The Public Works Director requested the purchase of a “hot load” of salt to mix with sand when necessary. The Office Manager will place the order.
    • Discussion about light on cab of plow truck. Jarrad Jewell will mount an LED lightbar to the cab of the truck. If the cost is over $500 Jarrad will come back to the Select Board.
    • Discussion regarding training of drivers who are “on call” for plowing. Town will pay 2 hours for training for each driver.
  • Transfer Station
    • Transfer Station Operator, Stephan Gilman, is concerned about permits given for residents to take items to AVRRDD themselves as we have no tracking of the permits. The way the permit is set up, each permit is good for 3 days of dropping items off and does not expire. The SB asked Stephan to get more information from AVRRDD regarding the Towns ability to limit each permit to one load and to only be good for one day. Crystal Pelletier made a motion to not issue any permits until this issue is resolved, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed
    • Permit by Notification Update—Select Board signed the Permit by Notification; Patty Peel will submit for approval.

Old Business

  • Town Welfare
    • The Select Board reviewed their notes on the draft welfare documents; Crystal will review and blend into one document.
  • Job Descriptions
    • Henry Dion had a list of jobs in town we need job descriptions for; the SB reviewed the list. Henry will come back to the SB with draft job descriptions.

New Business

  • IT—Firewall Renewal; The firewall in the office needs to be renewed. Crystal Pelletier will be in the office when Profile Technology representative comes on January 22, 2025, to discuss options.
  • Abatements
    • Ervin & Elaine Connary, M/L 409-21, LUCT assessed; Town error; Abatement approved
    • Davis Holmes, Sr, M/L 202-29, Property Tax, Avitar recommendation has been returned to Select Board, SB reviewing abatement application.
  • Budget Meeting—A budget meeting was scheduled for Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 4 pm.

Other Business

  • Accessible Voting System Pilot Agreement—SB discussed purchase of the Accessible Voting System Pilot Agreement; SB collecting more information.
  • Brian and Robyn Eldredge submitted abatement applications for their LUCT and property tax. Select Board will forward to Avitar and will review themselves.
  • Fire Chief, Jack Pepau, reported a concern with phone at the fire station. Crystal Pelletier shared that the VOIP should go into effect Thursday, January 16, 2025, which should take care of the problem. —


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to go into nonpublic, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee. Motion Passed. Select Board entered nonpublic session at 7:32 pm.

The selectmen returned to public session at 7:44 pm.


  • The Select Board discussed the 2025 proposed budget. No decisions were made.


  • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Select Board Meeting January 23, 2025, at 4 pm Stark Town Hall /Budget Meeting

*Select Board Meeting February 5, 2025, at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting February 12, 2025, at 6 pm Stark Town Hall


Select Board Nonpublic Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

7:32 pm

Stark Town Office

Members Present: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session: RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session: Glenn Wiggin-Y, Crystal Pelletier-Y, Henry Dion-Y             

Other persons present during nonpublic session: Patty Peel, Office Manager

Description of matters discussed and final decisions made: Select Board discussed applicants for the “on call’ plowing/sanding position. No decisions were made.

Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Henry Dion.

Motion Passed. Public Session reconvened at 7:44 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, January 13, 2025

10 am

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Member, Glenn Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 10 am.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present:

Sign the Following:

  • Select Board Signed General Fund Manifest 2 Totaling $9231.67

Old Business

  • Frizzell Buildings—-Select Board reviewed the information they gathered on January 6, 2025, when assessing the sheds on properties known as map/lot 407-7 and 407-8. It was determined that four sheds should be removed from lot 407-7 as they were incorrectly listed on that property and are currently listed on 407-8. The Select Board approved and signed an abatement for $70.05 for map/lot 407-7
  • Select Board discussed the following budget topics:
    • 4140 Voting Machine—Crystal Pelletier referred to Article 28-a of the NH State Constitution,  “…the state shall not mandate or assign any new, expanded, or modified programs or responsibilities to any political subdivision in a way that necessitates additional local expenditures unless such programs or responsibilities are specifically authorized by the legislature.“ The Select Board discussed keeping the cost of the machines as a separate warrant article for the vote of the Town Meeting and consider taking the costs out of the Unassigned Fund Balance. The municipality has been told by the State that the machine could cost $4000-$7000 and the annual programing cost for Town Meeting $1500-$2500. It is unclear whether the municipality would be responsible for programing the machine for the State elections.
    • 4152—Utilities—Select Board is considering a contract with Sansoucy for the assessment of utilities in Town; Avitar is no longer able to offer this service. A five-year contract with Sansoucy would be $13,700/year.  
    • 4153—Legal—SB discussed $3000 for the legal budget.
    • 4155—Unemployment—Reduce to $100
    • 4191—Remove 4191 from the budget; This has always been to purchase Law Books; we are not mandated by any RSA to purchase updates annually and they are all available on the Internet. Patty Peel will cancel immediately.
    • 4194—Utilities—Reduce to $7700 due to going to Internet phone service; Building Maintenance—reduce to $1500.
    • 4196—Insurance—Add Medical Insurance Public Works Director—estimated cost $9000.00
    • 4215—Ambulance—$25000.00 estimate until we get quote from Northumberland
    • 4312—Highways—SB discussed the proposed budget for the public works/highway department.
    • 4325—Solid Waste Cleanup—-Remove mowing, budget $4750, as the public works department will mow
    • Departments with training budgets, currently labeled expense, will now have a training line.
    • Select Board will review the proposed budget at the 1-15-2025 regular SB meeting.
    • SB reviewed phone charges for fire and transfer station. Moving these departments to internet phone will decrease their utility costs.
    • Select Board discussed assessing options as we no longer have a certified assessor.


Motion to enter nonpublic session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.            Motion Passed       

  • Select Board entered nonpublic at 12:36 pm.
    • Select Board returned to public session at 12:46 pm


  • Motion to adjourn by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier
  • Meeting adjourned at 12:46 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Select Board Meeting January 15, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting February 5, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting January 8, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall


Select Board Nonpublic Meeting Minutes

Monday, January 13, 2025

10 am

Stark Town Office

Members Present: Glenn Wiggin-Y; Crystal Pelletier-Y; Henry Dion-Y       

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session: RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session: Glenn Wiggin-Y; Crystal Pelletier-Y; Henry Dion-Y

Entered nonpublic session at 12:36 pm.

Other persons present during nonpublic session: Patty Peel, Office Manager

Description of matters discussed and final decisions made: Select Board discussed application submitted for plowing with Public Works Department. Motion to hire Dale Leighton, Jr, pending background check by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed

Public session reconvened at 12:46 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, January 6, 2025

10 am

Northside Road

Call to Order: Glenn Wiggin Chair called meeting to order at 10 am

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Henry Dion;

Others present:


Select Board compared sheds/barns on properties cards for lots 407-7 and 407-8 with the sheds/barns on the lots. No decisions were made.


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn at 10:30 am, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Select Board Meeting January 15, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting February 5, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting January 8, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*JLMC Meeting February 13, 2025 at 10 am Stark Fire Station



Select Board Meeting Agenda

Thursday, January 2, 2025

4:30 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Member, Glenn Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present:

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings—December 18, 2024

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to waive the reading of minutes, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following:

  • Select Board Signed General Fund Manifest 54 Totaling $1064.00
  • Select Board Signed Land Use Change Tax Warrant for Map/Lot 407-11.2 and 405-4.6.

Department Reports

Highway—Patty Peel shared estimate on truck repairs; Glenn Wiggin reviewed repairs needed to the red one ton. Total cost of repair is $3430.00 through BFO. Glenn Wiggin made a motion to complete the repairs on the red one ton, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed

Select Board discussed training individuals who sign up with the Town to plow/sand on an as needed basis; the SB would like the Public Works Manager to set that up with each person who completes the employment process on a volunteer basis.

Transfer Station—Patty Peel shared copy of new regulations; Select Board would like shared in an email.

Old Business

  • Town Welfare—SB will review the application packet and revisit at the next meeting.
  • Volunteer Form— Select Board approved and signed appointment of Doug Shannon as volunteer.
  • 2025 Budget Work—Select Board will meet on January 13, 2025, at 10 am for a budget meeting.
  • Leighton Meadow Bridge—-Patty shared updated information from Bruce Knox, Engineer; due to the new Unit Price Index set by the NHDOT, the Cost Estimate will be revised and a revised set of drawings submitted to the Town.

New Business

  • Henry Dion suggested revisiting job descriptions and getting finalized.
  • Crystal Pelletier mentioned that voting machine mandate is unconstitutional; we should vote “NO” at Town Meeting for funding. If the State of NH mandates, they must fund.

Other Business

  • Town Meeting: Report/Budget Dates & Deadlines—Select Board Reviewed the Proposed Timeline
  • Patty Peel presented property cards on property owned by Ray Frizzell and Stacy Frizzell; the SB will go verify and bring back to Board meeting. A majority of the SB will go on Monday at 10 am, January 6, 2025. Patty will contact tomorrow to let him know they will be around.


  • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to go into Nonpublic session, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.
    • Motion Passed    Select Board entered nonpublic session at 5:10 pm.
    • Select Board returned to public session at 5:37 pm


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Meeting adjourned at 5:38pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

* Select Board Meeting January 6, 2025 at 10 am Stark Northside Road (For Purpose of Assessing Properties know on Town Map as Map/Lot  407-7 and 407-8)

*Select Board Meeting January 13, 2025 at 10 am Stark Town Hall  (Budget Meeting)

*Select Board Meeting January 15, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting February 5, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting January 8, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*JLMC Meeting February 13, 2025 at 10 am Stark Fire Station


Select Board Non Public Session

Thursday, January 2, 2025

5:10 PM

Stark Town Office

Members Present: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion  

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session: RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session: Glenn Wiggin-Y; Crystal Pelletier-Y; Henry Dion-Y            

Entered nonpublic session at 5:10 p.m.

Other persons present during nonpublic session: Patty Peel, Office Manager

Description of matters discussed and final decisions made:

  • Select Board discussed contracts for assessing utilities; SB will research the mandates for annual assessment of utilities vs. 5-year assessments.
  • Select Board reviewed application received for plowing; SB will check references.

Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed

The public session reconvened at 5:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Member, Glenn Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Jarrad Jewell, Stephan Gilman, Jack Pepau

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings—December 4 & 17, 2024

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to waive the reading of minutes, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following:

  • Select Board Signed General Fund Manifest 16 Totaling $6979.54
  • Select Board Signed QB to Passumpsic Reconciliation for November 2024
  • Select Board Signed QB to Passumpsic Heritage Center Reconciliation for November 2024
  • Select Board Signed Tax Abatement Pike Industries Lot 408-109
  • Select Board Signed Supplemental Warrant Parcel 203-16
  • Select Board Signed Hazard Mitigation Grant Application (Resigning to extend deadline for completion of work)
  • Select Board Signed Letter to Croteau’s Lawn Service

Department Reports

  • Transfer Station—Stephan Gilman, Budget
    • Stephan Gilman reported that he could not secure a price on wiring the cameras at the Transfer Station. Crystal Pelletier will help Stephan get the cameras installed during open hours this Saturday. Crystal suggested the SB add cameras to the covered bridge. The system donated to the Transfer Station has 6 cameras; the Board will consider swapping the four cameras in the Town Office with the six donated to the Transfer Station.
    • Glenn Wiggin asked Stephan Gilman to provide the Town Office with some accurate tonnage information for the Permit by Notification application, which must be submitted at the beginning of January 2025.
  • Highway
    • Sullivan Road Contract
      • The Town received two proposals for the Sullivan Road project, which is scheduled to take place in spring of 2025, Mason Enterprises proposal was for $86,275.00 and BM Lewis Trucking submitted a proposal for $96,000.00
      • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to sign a contract with Mason Enterprises to complete the Sullivan Road project in the spring of 2025. Crystal Pelletier 2nd the motion. Motion Passed
    • Jarrad Jewell, Road Agent, discussed service needed on the town trucks. The SB requested that, in the future, Jarrad get estimates prior to having work completed on the trucks. The spreader is not working correctly and, due to its age, parts are difficult to get. Jarrad is trying to get a part fabricated for the spreader. Jarrad will also get back to the SB with a cost on a new spreader and on an all-season truck body that would hold more sand which would be safer for the driver and more time effective. Jarrad shared that some trees hanging over Percy Road had been cut back; Glenn asked that Jarrad check with property owners prior to cutting on private property. place.
  • Fire Department
    • I Am Responding Phone App
      • Bill submitted for $305.00 to cover cost of I Am Responding app. Jack Pepau approves the purchase of the application. Because the purchase is under $500, no SB approval was necessary.
    • Jack Pepau submitted a bill for overhead door installation totaling $2700.00
    • Jack Pepau submitted a bill for an EMT class for Colin Wentworth.
      • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to deny payment of the EMT Course, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier, because the Select Board has not yet received the paperwork they asked for showing the Town would be reimbursed upon completion of the course if they paid for the course in advance. Motion Passed
    • Jack Pepau submitted a quote for suction hose from IPS, includes fittings, totaling $1804.00. Glenn Wiggin made a motion to order the hose and get it paid for prior to year’s end; 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed
    • Jack Pepau submitted a quote for the purchase of a Scott Pak Mask; the fire department does not have any small sized masks, and the medium size is too big for some fire fighters.  The cost, including shipping, is $1292.00.
    • Jack Pepau submitted a quote to replace the air monitor which is no longer working and not serviceable; sensor has been replaced 2 or 3 times, but the sensor is now obsolete. The air quality monitor tests air and is a portable piece of equipment; will tell how much carbon monoxide is in a building or test the air supply. The cost of replacement is $1976.00 plus shipping.  
    • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to purchase one small size mask and replace the CO2 detector, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed.

New Business

  • Employment Application
    • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept the Application for Employment as revised, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed
  • Volunteer
    • Select Board discussed Christmas Lights out on the bridge; should be two people at minimum due to safety factor. Anyone working on the bridge lights should have a signed volunteer form on file. Patty Peel will talk with Doug Shannon about the lights.
    • Crystal Pelletier talked with someone from the State about ways we can minimize the bridge being hit. We have lights inside of the bridge, but the end portals are not lit up well. Crystal Pelletier suggested looking at some lighting options for the bridge, Glenn Wiggin suggested lighting up the road going to the bridge as well. Crystal also suggested a sign across each portal. Crystal Pelletier will research options for bridge lighting and signs.  
    • The Town Office will close on December 24, 2024, and December 31, 2024, at 1 pm. The office will be opened December 26th, 2024, and January 2, 2025.

Other Business

  • Due to the first meeting of 2025 being on New Year’s Day, the January SB meeting schedule is as follows:
    • January 2, 2025 at 4:30
    • January 15, 2025 at 6 pm

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to enter nonpublic, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee. Motion Passed. Select Board entered nonpublic at 7:42 pm.

Select Board returned to public session at 8:03 pm.


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Select Board Meeting January 2, 2025 at 4:30 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting January 8, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting January 15, 2025 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall


Select Board Nonpublic Session Minutes

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

7:42 PM

Stark Town Office

Members Present: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Henry Dion.

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session: RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session: Glenn Wiggin-Y, Crystal Pelletier-Y, Henry Dion-Y             

Entered nonpublic session at 7:42 pm.

Other persons present during nonpublic session: Patricia Peel, Office Manager

Description of matters discussed and final decisions made: Select Board discussed the applications received for individuals interested in being placed on a “call list” for the pool of drivers available to plow/sand if necessary. All hiring procedures will be followed.

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to establish a list for individuals “on call” to  plow/sand with the following individuals being hired and added to the list: Stephan Gilman, Travis Russell, Jamie Hand, Brian Eldridge and Patrick Stearns. Motion seconded by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Henry Dion.

Motion Passed. Public Session reconvened at 8:03 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

12-18-24 Budget Meeting


Select Board Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Glenn Wiggin called meeting to order at noon

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Budget Meeting

Select Board met and discussed proposed budgets for the 2025 year. No decisions were made at this meeting.

Motion to adjourn at 2:15 pm, 2nd Crystal. Motion Passed


Motion to adjourn by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member



Select Board Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

8:30 AM

Stark Town Office


Call to Order

Crystal Pelletier called the meeting to order at 8:35 am

Present for all or part of the meeting

Select Board Members: Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patricia Peel

Others in Attendance: Bob Gale, Ray Perkins, Dave Woodward

DRA Sales to Assessment Ratio

Crystal Pelletier asked Dave Woodward to explain the 2024 Preliminary DRA Sales to Assessment Ratio and how it was derived.

Dave Woodward: The purpose of the sales to assessment ratio is to equalize values of Towns prior to establishing amount of commitment each Town is raising for County Taxes, State Education Aid, any money State must pass out. Has nothing to do with our local tax. An equalization ratio of 55% would tell us that our assessments are equal to 45% of the sales current sales. These ratios are a snapshot in time of the sales market.

Dave Woodward continued to explain how the equalization ratio was derived. The NH DRA takes information from the Registry of Deeds for sales in Stark each year. The sales dates run from October 1 to September 30th. These numbers are input into a program that calculates the ratio. If a municipality has fewer than 20 sales, then sales from the prior year are also considered.

Select Board members are expected to sign the “pink slip” which Avitar provides to us certifying that the assessment and sales information provided to the DRA has been thoroughly reviewed by the Board and is complete and accurate to the best of their knowledge. The signed form is submitted to the DRA who finalizes the municipality’s equalization ratio.


Motion to adjourn at 9:11 am by Crystal Pelletier, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                    __________________________________           

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                          Date Approved   

__________________________________                    __________________________________                           

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                          Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Planning Board Meeting December 11, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting December 18, 2024 at Noon Stark Town Hall Budget Meeting

*Select Board Meeting December 18, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

4 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Member, Glenn Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 4 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Cheryl Nolan, Dan Peel, Colin Wentworth, Jack Pepau

Budget Meetings

  • Library—Cheryl Nolan, Library Trustee
    • Cheryl has talked with Northumberland Library, waiting for cost to continue services with Northumberland Public Library.  Also looking to see what the increase has been for patrons from Stark since we started this last year.
    • Cheryl has reviewed a report from JLMC regarding the building; Cheryl would like to investigate what and/or how the library building could be repurposed.
  • JLMC—Dan Peel, Chairman
    • Dan Peel reviewed the proposed budget for JLMC. Select Board discussed safety expenses and training lines, these will show up under each department’s budget instead of JLMC. The JLMC budget will only cover payroll and office expenses.  
  • Other
    • Dan Peel asked the SB about storing the snow blower in the shed next to the school. SB will talk with the fire department about emptying that building so the school can have the building.
  • Nonpublic
    • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to enter nonpublic pursuant to RSA  91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed Select Board entered nonpublic session at 4:31 pm.  
    • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to return to public session at 5:46 pm, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed
  • Fire Department Budget
    • Jack Pepau and Colin Wentworth were in attendance to submit bills for radio batteries and discuss fire department budget items. Colin would like to budget for the IM Responding app at a cost of approximately $300 annually.
    • Colin Wentworth asked about the training budget. He would like to use the money in the 2024 budget to enroll in an EMT course. After much discussion as to whether the Town should pay for EMT training for fire fighters, two of the three SB members are willing to front the money if Colin can provide paperwork showing that the Town must sponsor the individual to get the reimbursement from the State. The SB encouraged Colin to complete the online TIMS training, which is offered with no cost.

Business Meeting

  • Business meeting began at 6 pm. Glenn Wiggin made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed
  • Select Board approved and signed minutes from meetings held on November 20, 22, & 26, 2024 and Dec. 3, 2024.

Select Board signed the Following:

  • Signed Woodsville Guarantee Savings Bank request for Heritage account name changes
  • Signed warrant to collect Land Use Change Tax for Mason, Parcel 405-58


  • Dave Woodward to review 2024 Preliminary DRA Sales to Assessment Ratio
    • Unable to attend; meeting rescheduled for December 17th at 8:30 am.

Department Reports

  • Hazard Mitigation Plan—-Crystal made a motion to accept the terms of the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Grant (BRIC), 2nd Henry Dion. Motion Passed
    • The Select Board, in a majority vote, accepted the terms of the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) as presented in the amount of $6,999.75 for updating the local hazard mitigation plan. Furthermore, the Board acknowledges that the total cost of this project will be $9,333.00, in which the Town will be responsible for a 25% match ($2,333.25)

Old Business

  • Job Descriptions
    • SB is still reviewing job descriptions. The SB will also be looking for samples of employee yearly reviews.
  • Propane Tanks
    • Leaning propane tanks; ground is frozen. Could tie up or put up chain and secure to building until next spring. Public Works can take care of next week or two.

New Business

  • Coos County Delegation Meeting/Public Hearing
    • Patty Peel shared information from the County; Crystal Pelletier plans on attending the meeting.

Other Business

  • Henry Dion—1st Aid/CPR Training—$50 per person through Northumberland, Wednesday night best for Northumberland Ambulance
    • Henry will schedule in January.


  • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed
  • Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Select Board Meeting December 18, 2024 at Noon Stark Town Hall Budget Meeting

*Select Board Meeting December 18, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting December 11, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall


Select Board Meeting Minutes Nonpublic

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

4 pm

Stark Town Office

Members Present: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session: RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session: Glenn Wiggin-Y, Crystal Pelletier-Y, Henry Dion-Y             

Entered nonpublic session at 4:31 pm.

Other persons present during nonpublic session: Patricia Peel, Office Manager

Description of matters discussed and final decisions made:

  • Select Board discussed plowing/sanding position. The SB has advertised for individuals to plow/sand on an “as needed” basis.
  • Select Board discussed the full-time public works director/road agent position and salary/benefits:
    • Henry Dion made a motion to hire Jarrad Jewell as Public Works Director at a salary of $61,200 annually, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

Public Session reconvened at 5:46 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, December 3, 2024

4 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chair, Glenn Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 4 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Jack Pepau, Stephan Gilman

Budget Meeting

  • 4:00 pm           4220        Fire Department     Jack Pepau
    • Select Board reviewed budget for fire department with Chief Pepau.
    • The Fire Department would like to purchase face masks and hoses/valves for the LaFrance; the Chief will come back to the SB by December 18th with a cost for these items.
    • The door has not yet been fixed; if it is not going to be done by the end of this year, Chief Pepau will get a contract for the SB to sign so we can encumber the funds.
    • Chief Pepau will get the cost of batteries for radios to the SB for budgeting purposes.
  • 4:30 pm           4312        Highways
    • Select Board reviewed highway budget for 2025.
    • Glenn Wiggin will get rental fees for a sweeper and mowing equipment for budgeting purposes.
    • Patty Peel will provide the SB with a breakdown of fuel costs, gravel costs, and maintenance costs for budgeting.
  • 5:00 pm           4324        Solid Waste             Stephan Gilman
    • Select Board reviewed Solid Waste budget for 2025.
    • Transfer Operator, Stephan Gilman, would like a camera security system at the Transfer Station. Stephan provided estimates. Crystal Pelletier has donated a system to the Town. Stephan Gilman will get estimates for wiring up the donated system for the Select Board.
  • 5:30 pm           4195        Cemeteries             Submitted by Chris Wheelock, Cemetery Trustee
    • Select Board reviewed Cemetery budget proposal for 2025.


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to enter nonpublic session, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee. Motion Passed. Select Board entered nonpublic session at 5:28 pm.

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to return to public session, 2nd by Henry Dion; motion passed. Select Board returned to public session at 6:04 pm.


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:05 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Select Board Meeting December 4, 2024 at 4 pm Stark Town Hall Budget Meeting followed by Regular Select Board Meeting

*Select Board Meeting December 18, 2024 at Noon Stark Town Hall Budget Meeting

*Select Board Meeting December 18, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting December 11, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall


Select Board Meeting Minutes Nonpublic Sessionw

Wednesday, December 3, 2024

4 PM

Stark Town Office

Members Present: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion

Motion to enter nonpublic session made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session: Glenn Wiggin-Y, Crystal Pelletier-Y, Henry Dion-Y             

Entered nonpublic session at 5:28 pm.

Other persons present during nonpublic session: Patty Peel, Office Manager

Description of matters discussed and final decisions made:

Select Board discussed the position of a full-time road agent. The SB talked about hiring part-time help for plowing and sanding.

Crystal Pelletier made a motion to pay $30 per hour for an individual to plow and sand if they have a CDL and are plowing/sanding with the plow truck requiring a driver to have a CDL, and to pay $24 per hour for an individual to plow and sand with the truck not requiring a driver to have a CDL regardless of whether or not the driver has a CDL. Motion 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed.

Motion to return to public session made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed.

Public session reconvened at 6:04 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, November 26, 2024

4 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Member, Crystal Pelletier, called the meeting to order at 4 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Elaine Monahan

Budget Meeting

  • 4150—-Tax Collector, Elaine Monahan
    • The Select Board reviewed proposed budget 4150-Financial with the tax collector, Elaine Monahan.
    • All questions were addressed.

Other Business

  • Transfer Station Portable Restroom
    • Stephan Gilman, Transfer Station Operator, has requested purchase of Portable Restroom, pumped by Whites annually. Operators would maintain portable restroom.
    • Motion by Crystal Pelletier to order the Portable Polyjon, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed
    • Crystal Pelletier will call the owner of the current portable restroom to schedule pick up ASAP.
  • AED Maintenance
    • Patty Peel reviewed AED maintenance from Trevor Gibson.
  • Avitar Sales to Assessment Ratio
    • Patty Peel presented the Sales to Assessment Ratio to the Select Board; Crystal Pelletier would like Dave Woodward to come in on Dec. 4th, 2024 meeting to review.
  • Current Use Update Forms
    • Henry Dion asked about current use forms. The forms are part of updating the property files during the 5-year revaluation.
  • Propane Tanks
    • Henry Dion asked if anything was going to be done about the propane tanks; nothing has been done. Patty Peel will check and see what was decided at the previous meeting.


RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Crystal Pelletier made a motion to enter nonpublic session, 2nd by Henry Dion, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee. Motion Passed. SB entered nonpublic session at 4:17 pm.

         Select Board returned to public session at 4:56 pm.


         Crystal Pelletier made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion adjourned at 4:56 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Select Board Meeting December 3, 2024 at 4 pm Stark Town Hall Budget Meetings

*Select Board Meeting December 4, 2024 at 4 pm Stark Town Hall Budget Meeting followed by Regular Select Board Meeting

*Select Board Meeting December 18, 2024 at Noon Stark Town Hall Budget Meeting

*Select Board Meeting December 18, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting December 11, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall



November 26, 2024

Members Present:              Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion. 

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session made by Crystal Pelletier, 2nd by Henry Dion.

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session: RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session: Crystal Pelletier-Y; Henry Dion-Y

Entered nonpublic session at 4:17 pm.

Other persons present during nonpublic session: Patty Peel, Office Manager

Description of matters discussed and final decisions made: Select Board reviewed salary and benefit options for the full-time road agent position. No decisions were made.

Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Crystal Pelletier, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed

The public session reconvened at 4:56 pm.

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, November 22, 2024

11 PM

Stark Town Office Zoom Meeting

Call to Order

Select Board Chair, Glenn Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 11 am.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Samantha Lazo, NH DES via Zoom

Transfer Station Permit-by-Notification Application

Select Board reviewed, with Samantha, the Transfer Station Permit-by-Notification Application. Minor changes will be made, and the permit resubmitted for approval.

Select Board discussed collection of oils and antifreeze at the Transfer Station. Regulations on collection of these items are overseen by the Hazardous Wastes department at DES. Henry Dion will reach out to Hazardous Wastes to see if we can set up a Zoom meeting with the Transfer Station Operator present to answer questions.

Other Business

Crystal Pelletier shared a copy of Welfare Guidelines she has reviewed and commented on. The other SB members received a copy for review.


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier

Select Board meeting adjourned at 11:45 am

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

*Planning Board Meeting December 11, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Select Board Meeting November 26, 2024 at 4 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting December 3, 2024 at 4 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting December 4, 2024 at 4 pm Stark Town Hall


Select Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chair, Glenn Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Jim Hickey, Stephan Gilman, Colin Wentworth, Jack Pepau

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— November 6, 2024

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Crystal Pelletier, 2nd Motion Passed

Sign the Following

  • Select Board signed Manifest 47 for General Fund Totaling $17,202.74
  • Select Board signed Manifest 29 for Heritage Account Totaling $434.62
  • Select Board signed Abatement Forms for Following Properties:
    • Bartlett                           Map/Lot 202-5        $34          Overpayment of Taxes
    • Beede                              Map/Lot 204-14      $13          Overpayment of Taxes
    • Cross                               Map/Lot 412-10      $13          Overpayment of Taxes
    • Steady                             Map/Lot 203-19      $32          Overpayment of Taxes
    • Cloutier Family Trust      Map/Lot 408-30      $728.61   Current Use Error
  • Select Board signed Avenu Addendum A to allow online collection of dog licensing and property taxes
  • Select Board signed Office Manager’s October reconciliation of Quickbooks to Passumpsic bank for general fund
  • Select Board signed Office Manager’s October reconciliation of Quickbooks to Passumpsic bank for Heritage account

Department Reports


  • Full Time Road Agent/PW Director Position
    • Crystal Pelletier made a motion to start looking for a full-time road agent/public works director, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed
    • The Select Board were given a Public Works Director job description to be reviewed and discussed at the next meeting.
  • Bids—Reconstruction of Sullivan Road —received 2 quotes
    • Select Board reviewed two quotes for the reconstruction of Sullivan Road. These quotes will be reviewed at the budget meeting. Quotes were received from Mason Enterprise and BM Lewis Transportation.

Transfer Station

  • AED Machine (4299—Other Safety???)
    • Crystal Pelletier made a motion to purchase an AED machine for the transfer station out of account 4299, Other Safety; 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed
      • Patty Peel will get the AED ordered.

Fire Department

  • Chief Pepau shared that the ladders have been tested and the bill should be around $253. Batteries for radios have been ordered and some other office equipment, around $250.
  • Henry Dion asked about the FEMA grant. Discussion regarding grants; no decisions were made.
  • Colin Wentworth asked about taking an EMT class, total cost $1800. He will bring more information back to the Board.
  • Chief Pepau talked about the American LaFrance needing batteries at a cost of $100 per batter.

Old Business

  • Phone—VOIP
    • Patty Peel explained options for our security systems with Lufkin and Minuteman. Crystal Pelletier made a motion to get Kevin Lufkin to change over the Bridge, Town Office, Fire Station, and Transfer Station, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed
  • Job Descriptions
    • Patty Peel passed out packets of information on different job descriptions; Select Board will review and bring back to table.

New Business

    • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to renew with Cohos Advisors for 2024, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Other Business

  • Stephan Gilman asked for Board permission to close the Transfer Station on December 25th and open on December 26th.
  • Colin Wentworth provided information on a grant to update the Town’s Hazardous Mitigation Plan. The grant is a soft match. Colin explained that the Town’s “soft match” would be raised by citizen involvement in updating the grant. The more people involved the better for the Town; all 3 Select Board members could participate. Glenn Wiggin suggested including the Joint Loss Management Committee. Colin Wentworth said he would also invite school personnel.


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to go into nonpublic pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee. 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed Select Board entered nonpublic at 6:36 pm.

Select Board returned to public session at 7:27


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by

Select Board meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Select Board Meeting November 22, 2024 at 11 am Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting November 26, 2024 at 4 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting December 3, 2024 at 4 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting December 4, 2024 at 4 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting December 11, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall




NOVEMBER 20, 2024

Members Present:              Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion    

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session:

RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session       : Glenn Wiggin-Y, Crystal Pelletier-Y, Henry Dion-Y.

Entered nonpublic session at 6:36 pm.

Other persons present during nonpublic session: Patty Peel, Office Manager

Description of matters discussed and final decisions made:

Select Board discussed hiring of a road agent/public works director. The Select Board reviewed one application that had been submitted.

Motion made by Crystal Pelletier to hire Jarrad Jewell as the Public Works Director/Road Agent as a full-time salary position; 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed

Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, seconded by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Public session reconvened at 7:27 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, October 23, 2024

3 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 3 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Jane Ryan, Kate Gomes, Mary Smith

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— October 23, 2024

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Henry Dion, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following

  • Select Board signed Manifest 43 for General Fund Totaling $8805.69
  • Select Board signed Manifest 27 for Heritage Account Totaling $172.33

Old Business

  • Approve final tax rate for 2024
    • Patty Peel presented Select Board with final tax rate and the tax warrant. The final tax rate is $10.86.
      • Motion by Glenn Wiggin to accept the tax rate of $10.86, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed
      • Select Board signed the 2024 Warrant for collection of Property Tax
  • Select Board discussed contesting the assessment and the process with the BTLA. Crystal Pelletier explained that 50 residents could sign a petition to contest the assessment after the tax bills have been sent out.
  • The Select Board answered questions regarding the preliminary rate of $10.86 and what the Select Board could have done to reduce the rate. The Select Board chose not to apply unassigned fund balance to reduce the rate.

Other Business

  • Stark Covered Bridge/Primex
    • Glenn Wiggin spoke with an individual who hit bridge; SB does not feel it is structural, just cosmetic. Needs to get estimates and run through insurance.
    • Patty Peel shared that Primex advised the Town to get a professional opinion on whether structural or just cosmetic damage.
    • Crystal Pelletier will reach out to the State to see if they have an engineer who can assess whether cosmetic or structural. Glenn Wiggin will contact individual to let know process
  • Permit for Notification
    • Glenn Wiggin heard from the DES. We need to meet with Samantha Lazo over Zoom to complete the Permit by Notification. Crystal Pelletier will try to set up with Samantha for November 22, 2024, at 11 am.
    • Crystal Pelletier made a motion to withdraw the Permit by Notification that the Town submitted, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed
  • Resignation
    • Patty Peel submitted a letter of resignation from Bob Gale on the Planning Board and Energy Committee.
  • General Election
    • Select Board signed the warrant for the General Election on November 5, 2024.
    • The Select Board signed appointment for Dennis Lunn as Selectman Pro Tem for the General Election, pursuant to RSA 658:21-a, as Glenn Wiggin is not able to be in attendance.
  • Heritage Center CD
    • Patty Peel shared information regarding the CD at the Woodsville Saving Bank for the Heritage Center.
    • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to have Nancy Spaulding, deputy tax collector, and Crystal Pelletier, Select Board Member, as names on the CD
  • Eldredge LUCT
    • Crystal Pelletier cited RSA 79-A:7 as the reason for abating some of the LUCT. The RSA states that LUCT shall be determined as of the actual date of the change in land and that land use shall be considered changed when actual construction begins. Mr. Eldredge reported on his inventory submitted in April of 2024 that he stared work on his property in August of 2023. The Select Board requested that Patty Peel reach out to Avitar for the full and true value of the land in August of 2023.
  • CPR/AED Training
    • Henry Dion is organizing training for Town Employees. The training may be offered in two groups, depending on what the trainer would like to see happen.
    • Crystal Pelletier will work with Dan Fogg to begin organizing other safety training for Town employees.
  • Road Maintenance
    • Crystal Pelletier will work with Patrick Stearns and Colin Wentworth to get the road maintenance required on Bell Hill completed this week. The Town will pay Colin Wentworth the rate of pay he receives as road agent in Dummer, $28 per hour.
    • Glenn Wiggin mentioned that parts of Bell Hill also could be graded again. Motion by Crystal Pelletier, 2nd by Henry Dion, to have Colin Wentworth grade Bell Hill using Dummer’s grader at a rate of $75 per hour to include use of equipment and rate of pay.
  • Phones
    • Crystal Pelletier is still working to get phones changed to internet phone service. Motion was made by Crystal Pelletier, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin, to take one phone line out at the fire station and replace it with a virtual fax line. Motion Passed.
    • Patty Peel will check with Kevin Lufkin about the security system to see the implications for the system when moving to internet phone service.


  • Motion to adjourn the meeting by Crystal Pelletier, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed
    • Meeting adjourned at 3:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                              Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member

*Select Board Meeting November 6, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting November 13, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, October 16, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Stephan Gilman, James Hickey Jr., Pat Stearns, John Eldredge, Brian Eldredge, Daniel Fogg

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— October 2, 7 & 8, 2024

Motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Glen Wiggin, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following

  • Select Board signed Manifest 42 for General Fund Totaling $132,777.45
  • Select Board signed Manifest 26 for Heritage Account Totaling $344.72
  • Select Board signed Mason Enterprise Contract for Bell Hill Road
  • Select Board signed Office Manager’s September Passumpsic to Quick Books Reconciliation for General Fund
  • Select Board signed Office Manager’s September Passumpsic to Quick Books Reconciliation for Heritage Account
  • Select Board signed PA-35 Assessing Official’s Response for Tax Credit for Daniel and Elaine Caron
  • Select Board signed PA-35 Assessing Official’s Response for Tax Exemption for the Bruno Family Trust
  • Select Board signed LUCT Abatement for Cretella, Map/Lot 405-4.7
  • Select Board signed Volunteer Appointment for Carlo Calle

Citizen Request: Dan Fogg

Dan Fogg asked the Select Board to consider accepting antifreeze and used oil at the Transfer Station; discussion ensued. Glenn Wiggin will reach out to DES to make certain our permit allows us to accept these items.

  • Crystal Pelletier made a motion to investigate what can be done with the antifreeze and to go ahead and make plans for accepting oil once specific plans have been made on operating procedures regarding collection of oil, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed

Department Reports

Highways—Pat Stearns gave a report on highway work; the plows are ready, planning on getting sanders ready this week. Pat has spoken with John Deere; we should be receiving a revised bill for work completed on the backhoe. Glenn Wiggin asked about the hole on Bell Hill, rocks on Sullivan Road, erosion on Lee Hill. Pat stated that he did not have time to get equipment ready for winter and complete road work with 20 hours a week; needs more time.

Fire Department—Quotes provided from Fire Chief Jack Pepau were shared with the Select Board. Glenn made a motion to approve the quote for $2700 to repair the door, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Transfer Station—-Stephan Gilman, Transfer Operator, shared that freon units will be removed October 18, 2024; the Town has 30-35 units at a cost of $8 each. Stephan submitted a written concern regarding individuals putting materials in the wrong dumpster; Glenn Wiggin will reach out to the property owner and discuss the concern.

Old Business

  • Dummer Mutual Aid Agreement
    • Crystal Pelletier spoke with the Dummer Select Board to discuss the Mutual Aid Agreement between Public Works Departments. Dummer SB is willing to sign a contract regarding plowing and grading Plains Road and Paris Road. They are willing to share equipment/manpower for grading our roads on their end of Town at FEMA rate, which is currently $75 per hour for equipment and manpower when possible. Stark SB should set a rate for the use of our rake and sweeper, which Dummer borrows. Payment for the use of our equipment would offset the cost of the grading.
    • Crystal Pelletier made a motion to accept the contract between Stark and Dummer for plowing of Paris and Plains Road and the grading of Plains Road, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion passed and contract was signed.
  • Floodplain Development Ordinance
    • Crystal Pelletier shared with the Select Board information she gathered regarding a Floodplain Development Ordinance. Having the ordinance requires the Town to have a Zoning Board of Adjustment, which Stark does not have. The Town is not required to have a floodplain ordinance.  
    • Crystal Pelletier made a motion to get rid of the current floodplain ordinance and not replace it, 2nd Glenn Wiggin.  Motion Passed
  • Phone—VOIP Solutions
    • The Select Board discussed the possibility of moving from our current phone system to VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). This would be a substantial cost savings to the Town.
    • Crystal Pelletier made a motion to contact the companies she has researched to get information on switching the Town over to VOIP and to get our lines changed over, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed
    • The Select Board discussed possibility of Fidium running lines to the Town Hall in case we want to change internet at some time. The Town currently has a contract with Netafy. Patty Peel will call Fidium to request lines be run to the Town Hall, Transfer Station, and Fire Department.
  • Safety-Health Policy—The Select Board would like the Safety-Health Policy given to all elected officials and appointed officials, as well as Town employees.

New Business

  • Preliminary Tax Rate
    • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept the preliminary tax rate provided by DRA, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed
  • Treasurer Resignation/Sign Bank Papers
    • Select Board was presented a letter of resignation from Town Treasurer, Rodney Monahan.
    • Select Board signed all paperwork from Passumpsic to update access to bank accounts.

Other Business

  • Training—-Dan Fogg is available to help the Town with much of the training on the list suggested by the JLMC. The Select Board will continue to work with Dan to organize some of the training.
  • Glenn Wiggin invited Brian Eldredge to address the Select Board regarding his concern with the SB denying his request for an abatement on his LUCT. Mr. Eldredge presented the SB with information on properties he considered comparable and sales he feels should have been considered. Mr. Eldredge does not agree with the LUCT assessed on his property and would like to come to a settlement at this level instead of appealing to the BTLA. Crystal Pelletier will look over Mr. Eldredge’s request and the Select Board will readdress.


  • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed
    • Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm

*Select Board Meeting October 23, 2024 at 10:30 am Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting November 6, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting November 13, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                   Crystal T. Pelletier, Select Board Member                      Henry J. Dion, Select Board Member



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, October 8, 2024

1 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 1 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others Present: Bruce Knox, Dan Peel, Karen Spenser, Pat Stearns

Old Business

  • Leighton Meadow Bridge
    • Engineer, Bruce Knox, reviewed design standards for the replacement of the Leighton Meadow Bridge.
    • Mr. Knox reviewed Right-of-Way concerns.
    • Possible need for replacement of utility poles on Bell Hill Road was discussed.
    • Service life on bridge dependent on the building materials decided on.
    • Mr. Knox reviewed the design drawings with the Select Board.
    • The funding/budget was reviewed with the Select Board.
    • All questions and concerns were discussed and answered.


Motion to enter nonpublic session made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

Select Board entered nonpublic session at 2:16 pm

Motion to return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed.

Select Board returned to public session at 3:07 pm

Other Business

Select Board signed volunteer form for Phil Stearns who will be volunteering with the Public Works Department.

Select Board discussed winter plowing, no decisions were made.


Motion to adjourn by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Meeting adjourned at 3:11 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal Pelletier, Select Board Member                                  Henry Dion, Select Board Member 

*Select Board Meeting October 16, 2024 at 6 pm at Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting October 9, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hallw




Members Present: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion                 

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier.

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session.

RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the

       disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the

       employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open,

       in which case the request shall be granted.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session: Glenn Wiggin-Y, Crystal Pelletier-Y, Henry Dion-Y             

Entered nonpublic session at 2:16 pm

Other persons present during nonpublic session: Patty Peel, Office Manager

Description of matters discussed and final decisions made: Select Board discussed compensation of an employee for mileage reimbursement. The Select Board will honor mileage reimbursement. Select Board will write and adopt a Travel Policy to include mileage reimbursement.

Select Board discussed incident between two employees; Select Board will meet with both employees at the October 16, 2024 meeting.

Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed.

Public session reconvened at 3:07 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal Pelletier, Select Board Member                                  Henry Dion, Select Board Member 



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, October 7, 2024

5:30 PM

Northside Road/Abbott & Greene Residence

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion;

Others Present: Albert Cloutier, Pat Stearns, Dave Abbott, Rick Greene, Shalene Kennedy

Old Business

  • Select Board discussed, with members of the public in attendance, the reconstruction of a section of road on Northside Road.
  • Decisions Agreed Upon
    • Cloutier Construction would bring 5 loads of gravel between the two properties owned by Rick Greene and the Abbott family.
    • Glenn Wiggin will dig out the pipe in front of the Abbott property.


Meeting adjourned at 6:27 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal Pelletier, Select Board Member                                  Henry Dion, Select Board Member 

*Select Board Meeting October 16, 2024 at 6 pm at Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting October 9, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, October 2, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Dan Peel, Pat Stearns, James Hickey, Carlo Calle, Stephan Gilman, Dorothea Abbott, David Abbott, Keri Ann Abbott, Rick Green, Shalene Young, Tyrone Mickelboro

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— September 18, 2024

Motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Glen Wiggin, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following

  • Select Board signed Manifest 40 for General Fund Totaling $6720.80
  • Select Board signed Manifest 25 for Heritage Account Totaling $329.11
  • Select Board signed Raffle Permit for 250th Committee
  • Select Board signed Letter to Contractors Requesting Quotes on Sullivan Road
  • Select Board signed Treasurer’s August Bank Reconciliation for General Fund
  • Select Board signed Treasurer’s August Bank Reconciliation for Heritage Account
  • Select Board signed Passumpsic Account Agreement Adding Henry Dion to Account

Citizen Requests

Rick Green/Dave Abbot—Driveways Northside Road Reconstruction

Rick Green voiced questions and concerns with the road work completed on Northside Road. Following the reconstruction project completed by Cloutier Sand and Gravel, the Town of Stark had work completed on driveway transitions. Mr. Green still has concerns with his driveway and would like the Town to do more.

The Abbott family also voiced concerns about their property and would like the Town to complete additional work on their driveway.

The Select Board agreed to get in touch with the contractor and try to bring all parties together to discuss the concerns and what can be done.

Carlo Calle—Fence

Carlo Calle has offered to fix the fence at the transfer station, he will sign the Volunteer Waiver at the Town Office. In exchange Carlo would like the old kennel by the Town Garage.

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to let Carlo Calle fix the fence at the Transfer Station in exchange for the kennel at the Town Garage, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed

Department Reports

JLMC—Joint Loss Management Committee

  • Report from Dan Peel
    • Dan Peel, Chairperson for the JLMC, reported to the Select Board a summary of the findings from the inspections completed by JLMC. Three main concerns for the Town’s Safety Program were emphasized: formal safety procedure training, condition of the library building, need for safety equipment in each department. A detailed report is available at the Town Office. The Select Board will investigate possible training opportunities for Town employees.
  • Dan Peel also shared that the Stark School Board voted to sign a plowing contract with Dereck Croteau. The Stark School is also interested in the pump house if the Town no longer has a use for it.


  • Timesheets—Crystal Pelletier requested all Public Works employees provide more detail on their time sheets for work completed.
  • Select Board discussed with Pat Stearns work that needed to be completed: fill potholes on Bell Hill Road and Paris Road along with putting signs on Emerson Road. Glenn Wiggin talked about getting the big hole on Bell Hill Road done soon. The SB also remined Pat to get sand and salt ASAP. Pat asked about hours; for now, they need to remain at 20 hours a week. Once we have snow, plowing hours will be as necessary.  Glenn Wiggin will be forwarding Pat’s contact information to the Stark Village School as the Town contact for road conditions. Pat shared that the backhoe had been serviced; the next service is at 2000 hours. Pat Stearns also mentioned
  • Tyrone Mickelboro had questions about the work Mason Enterprises had completed on Bell Hill Road. The SB addressed all questions.
  • Fire Prevention coming up; Stephan working with school to organize.

Fire Department

  • Fire Department working with the school to organize a Fire Prevention program for Fire Prevention Week

Transfer Station

  • Transfer Station operator would like a nonpublic with the SB to discuss concerns at the Transfer Station.

Old Business

  • Safety Policy—Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept safety policy as written, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed
    • Patty Peel will get the Safety Policy out to all employees.
  • Fire Billing Policy
    • Crystal Pelletier made a motion to accept the Fire Billing Policy, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed
  • Policy Letter Signature Page
    • Select Board signed the updated policy signature page listing all adopted policies.
  • Fire Bill
    • Select Board signed the fire bill for the April 2024 grass fire at 19 Corkum Road; the State has denied payment because the fire was unpermitted, so the Town is billing the property owner.
  • Floodplain Development Ordinance Update
    • The Floodplain Ordinance is a work in progress. Patty Peel is gathering information to bring back to the Select Board. Crystal Pelletier shared that we do not necessarily need a Floodplain Ordinance unless cost of homeowner insurance or securing insurance is affected by having an ordinance.
  • Consolidated Phone
    • Patty Peel has investigated the cost of our phone packages through Consolidated. Due to the increased cost of phone service, Crystal Pelletier will check into VOIP plans for the Town.
  • LUCT Abatement Application
    • Patty Peel presented the Select Board with a request for an abatement of LUCT from Brian & Robyn Eldredge on their property known as map/lot 412-34.9. Based on information and recommendation from the Town assessor, Glenn Wiggin made a motion to deny the abatement application, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed
    • Glenn Wiggin shared a concern with the property having an address on Woodbury Cole Road as it is not on the Town Road; the property is on a private road that connects to Woodbury Cole Road. Patty Peel will check into this concern.
  • Broadband Committee
    • Crystal Pelletier gave an update on the Broadband Committee. Fidium is currently available throughout most of Stark, the installation throughout the rest of Town is moving quickly. Crystal is the Town contact with Fidium if anyone has questions and/or concerns. –
  • Volunteer Appointment
    • Select Board did not act on this as the individual has not confirmed their intentions.
  • Emergency Vehicle Sign Posting
    • The Select Board signed a letter to allow the State to put up weight limit signs by our bridges.
  • Online Payments/Taxes & Dog Licensing
    • The Townspeople are currently able to renew motor vehicles registrations by going to Patty Peel is working to set up online payment of property taxes and online dog licensing.
  • Exemption/Credit Applications
    • The Select Board signed a solar exemption application for property owned by Bruno Family Trust, known as map/lot 205-1, and a Veterans Credit for property owned by Daniel and Elaine Caron, known as map/lot 202-41.
  • Property Cards Online/Avitar Contract
    • Patty Peel provided SB with options for accessing property cards on line. Individuals can sign into the Avitar website at and sign in as a guest to see general information on property cards. At this time individuals can pay for a subscription to access more detailed information. The Town could purchase an annual subscription for $860 annually that would include full access to the Town data. Property card data is also available at the Town Office.


Motion to go into nonpublic session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier, pursuant to

RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.  Motion Passed

Select Board entered nonpublic session at 8:05 pm.

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to leave nonpublic session, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Select Board returned to public session at 8:55 pm.


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal Pelletier, Select Board Member                                  Henry Dion, Select Board Member 

*Select Board Meeting October 8, 2024 at 1 pm Stark Town Hall: Leighton Meadow Bridge Engineering Update

*Planning Board Meeting October 10, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting October 16, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall





OCTOBER 2, 2024

Members Present: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session: RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session: Glenn Wigging-Yes, Crystal Pelletier-Yes, Henry Dion-Yes               

Entered nonpublic session at 8:05 pm.

Other persons present during nonpublic session: Patty Peel, Office Manager; Stephan Gilman

Description of matters discussed and final decisions made: Select Board discussed winter plowing with Stephan Gilman; Stephan will be available and is interested in plowing. Stephan will plow for the Town on an as needed basis. Stephan left the nonpublic session at 8:23 pm.

Select Board discussed negotiations between Dummer, NH, and the Town of Stark relative to a mutual aid agreement between the highway departments in each Town. The negotiations are ongoing at this time.

Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier

Public Session reconvened at 8:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

Crystal Pelletier, Select Board Member                                  Henry Dion, Select Board Member

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, September 18, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Dave Woodward, Stephan Gilman, Jim Hickey, Ray Perkins, Patrick Stearns, Bob Gale, Carlo Calle

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— September 4, 2024

Motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Glen Wiggin, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following:

  • Select Board signed Manifest 38 for General Fund Totaling $16,882.02
  • Select Board signed Manifest 23 for Heritage Account Totaling $916.67
  • Select Board signed Office Manager August Bank Reconciliation for General Fund
  • Select Board signed Office Manager August Bank Reconciliation for Heritage Account
  • Select Board signed Treasure July General Fund Financial Report
  • Select Board signed Policy Letter Signature Page (Revision of Safety Policy)
  • Select Board signed Septic System Approval 408/88 Benway
  • Select Board signed Septic System Approval 205/41 Lawson
  • Select Board signed Land Use Change Tax Warrants and Bills for lots 410-7.1, 410-6.1, 405-4.7, 409-21

Heritage Account

Bob Gale asked about money spent from the Heritage Account for the 250th celebration. Patty Peel stated that about $5000 was spent from the Heritage; an exact figure could be provided if Bob wanted to contact the Town Office.

Avitar Update: Dave Woodward

Dave Woodward from Avitar Associates gave an update on the statistics used for the 5-year revaluation. Avitar has provided a paper copy of all information used to determine the new assessments; this information is available for public review in the Town Office. All questions from the Select Board were answered. Dave provided the Select Board with a contact at the Department of Revenue should they want to question the revaluation.

Patty Peel talked about the next steps, to include the abatement process. Individuals can apply for abatements once tax bills are out. Abatement applications can be found on the Department of Revenue website or at the Town Office.


Department Reports

Highway maintenance projects were discussed:

  • Pat Stearns is working on Paris Road and Bell Hill. Pat asked about getting diesel fuel for the backhoe; Fitch Fuel will deliver.
  • Crystal Pelletier presented an updated work list for the Public Works department.
  • Crystal Pelletier gave Patty Peel the completed road inventory to turn into the State.
  • Glenn Wiggin—Woodbury Cole Road done; needs gravel before winter; cost will be about $14, 510.  
  • Glenn Wiggin—Bell Hill Road quote does not include erosions stone; will cost an additional $5780. Glenn made a motion to move forward with doing the work quoted on Bell Hill Road at a cost of $5760.00 to include an additional $5780.00 for erosion stone, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed Unanimously
    • Brian Mason will put culverts in for homeowners—labor at his cost, owners will pay Brian Mason for the culverts.
  • Glenn Wiggin—Roadside mowing not completed this year so we can use that money for road maintenance.
  • Glenn Wiggin will be sending letters out this week to get estimates on Sullivan Road work. Quotes on the work will be due to the Town Office by November 13, 2024.
  • Pat Stearns shared that there is a rock poking through pavement on Potter Road, big enough to hit with plow. Pat would like to make a square cut around, jack hammer lower than Town, fill in for this year.
  • Glenn Wiggin brought up the height of bridge; posted on both sides so discussion about whether additional signage was necessary.  No decisions were made.
  • Select Board discussed using rubber crack seal and/or heated pavement to fill cracks in the roads. No decisions were made.
  • SB discussed section of Bell Hill that needs work; Pat Stearns will work on leveling out with gravel (Glenn Wiggin shared that the gravel should be about 2 inches high) so it will get compacted all winter.
  • Crystal Pelletier shared information with Patrick Stearns regarding equipment rental possibilities with the State of NH.
  • Glenn Wiggin suggested the Town start thinking about raising monies for the purchase of a tractor. No decisions were made.

Fire Department

  • Truck Maintenance
    • Glenn Wiggin shared the repairs necessary to the LaFrance truck totaling roughly $1600.00. Since it is not service ready, the SB discussed whether the repairs should be completed at this time. The maintenance line item is already exceeded for this year. Glenn made a motion to hold off until December on the repairs to the LaFrance to see where the budget is at that time; if money is available, the Board would reconsider repairing and if not, waiting until next year, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed Unanimously
  • Internet Update—Patty Peel shared that the internet is up and running. Stephan Gilman reported that Zello was running; some firefighters do not have Zello due to their individual device.
  • Fire Fighter Application—Patty Peel shared an application for employment on the fire department Jack Pepau would like the Select Board to consider; Glenn would like to consider when Chief Pepau is available to answer questions.  
  • Glenn Wiggin submitted his notes on a policy for the billing of fires; Patty Peel will write up a policy and bring it back to the Select Board.

Transfer Station

  • Glenn Wiggin will complete the Transfer Station Permit Application and turn it into Patty Peel to send to the DES for review.

Old Business

  • Dog Kennel at Town Garage—Crystal Pelletier feels panels of the fencing could be used at the Transfer Station. Glenn Wiggin made a motion that the SB keep two panels of the dog kennel for use at the Transfer Station and Carlo Calle could have the other 2 panels and the igloo, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed Unanimously
  • Floodplain Development Ordinance ––Patty Peel will retype the Floodplain Ordinance referring to the State regulations.
  • Patrick Stearns mentioned that the backhoe is 100 hours away from its 500-hour service. Glenn Wiggin asked Pat to get the cost of the 500-hour service.
  • Crystal Pelletier asked Pat Stearns to fix the siding on the side of the Town Garage.
  • Leighton Meadow Bridge Updates—The meeting with Bruce Knox is scheduled for October 8, 2024, 1 pm.
  • Solar Panel Grant—–Bob Gale provided an update on the Solar Panel Grant. He is still working on the grant, considering that the Transfer Station might be a better location than the Fire Station.
  • Energy Committee —Bob Gale shared that the Town should complete an energy regulation plan; organizing an Energy Committee is the first step in this process. Bob would like approval from the Select Board to organize this committee. The SB gave approval to organize a committee; Patty Peel will advertise for interested citizens to join the committee. Bob Gale, Ray Perkins, and Henry Dion will serve on this committee.   
  • Carlo Calle inquired about the procedure for putting a culvert in the ditch running alongside the road to establish access to his property. He was advised to work with the Planning Board and the road agent. Carlo would like written approval from the Town; the SB agreed they could do that once Carlo had consulted with the Planning Board and road agent.
  • Crystal Pelletier asked about locks for the doors at the Town Hall. Crystal will pick up a combination lock for the front door and two locks for the offices at the Town Hall.


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to enter nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee, 2nd by Crystal. Motion Passed    Select Board entered nonpublic session at 7:55 pm.

Motion to return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed Unanimously

Other Business

Select Board discussed options for paying to complete the gravel work on Woodbury Cole Road. Crystal Pelletier made a motion to move forward with the gravel on Woodbury Cole Road which will include compacting, grading, and raking, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed Unanimously

Crystal Pelletier mentioned the possibility of getting leftover asphalt from a company she spoke with if we have a place to put the asphalt. Glenn Wiggin mentioned that it could be useful even if we did not have a section of road ready for it as it can be crushed. No decisions were made.


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion adjourned at 8:26 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  

Crystal Pelletier, Select Board Member                                  Henry Dion, Select Board Member 


*Select Board Meeting October 2, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting October 8, 2024 at 1 pm Stark Town Hall: Leighton Meadow Bridge Engineering Update

*Planning Board Meeting October 10, 2024 at 6 pm Stark Town Hall




Members Present:  Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion          

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session made by Glenn Wiggin, seconded by Crystal Pelletier

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session:

RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session: Glenn Wiggin-Yes, Crystal Pelletier-Yes, Henry Dion-Yes

Entered nonpublic session at 7:55 p.m.

Other persons present during nonpublic session: Patty Peel, Office Manager

Description of Matters Discussed and Final Decisions Made:

Select Board discussed the hiring of help for winter plowing. The Select Board will offer $26 an hour for plowing if individual has a CDL and can operate the big plow.

Motion return to public, Glenn 2nd Henry 8:20 pm

Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, seconded by Henry Dion.

Motion Passed

Crystal Pelletier, Select Board Member                                          Henry Dion, Select Board Member

Public session reconvened at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________                           __________________________________  

        Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair                                             Date Approved   

__________________________________                           __________________________________                  



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, September 4, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Jim Hickey, Michael Ryiz, Ray Perkins, Stephan Gilman, Colin Wentworth, Alexis Wentworth, Pat Stearns, Cheryl Gale, Bob Gale

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— August 21, 2024

Motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Glen Wiggin, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following:

· Select Board signed Manifest 36 for General Fund Totaling $99,952.80

· Select Board signed Manifest 21 for Heritage Account Totaling $53.02

· Select Board signed amended Septic Plan for Map/Lot 408/104.1, Ethan Emerson

Department Reports


· Pat Stearns gave an update of road maintenance being completed. Pat asked the Select Board to approve the Cargill contract, he will coordinate the delivery of winter salt. Crystal Pelletier made a motion to accept the Cargill contract for winter salt in the amount of $94 a ton, 2nd Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed

· Woodbury Cole Road—Glenn Wiggin shared that work on Woodbury Cole Road would begin Sept. 5, 2024.

· Northside Road—-Northside Road work is complete except embankment where road was eroding; Crystal Pelletier suggested putting pile of cemetery dirt over embankment; Pat will investigate it and see if it can be used. Patty Peel shared that Dan Fogg suggested placing a speed bump by Greens; Select Board will take under advisement.

· Bell Hill Road (Ditching and Filling Holes) —Glenn Wiggin shared that work on Bell Hill Road will be completed after Woodbury Cole Road.

· Pat Stearns has marked what needs to be patched with cold patch. He plans on working on that Thursday or Friday. Crystal Pelletier is meeting with a contractor whose business is fixing small portions of roads that need patching. She plans on taking him to Bell Hill and Percy Road and getting a quote from him for road maintenance.

· Lee Hill Road—Glenn Wiggin met with Matthew Koehler from Eversource. They deny contributing to road damage on Lee Hill Road; the SB feels they did have some involvement in the damage to the road. Matthew will get back to us. The SB discussed work the Town needs to complete on Lee Hill Road; Pat Stearns will look at culvert to see if rotted out and needs replacing; also need to work on drainage.

· Pat Stearns mentioned prioritizing jobs and considering giving the assistant road agent more than 20 hours a week as 20 hours is not enough time to get all the work completed.

· Select Board discussed mowing sides of road; discussed using herbicides to keep grass down. Town spends a lot of money on roadside mowing; does it need to be done annually? Glenn has talked to the contractor; he is not available until the middle of September at the earliest. Glenn Wiggin recommends not mowing this year and using money for other highway maintenance that needs to get completed.

· Pat Stearns feels we need to prioritize before snow; parts of Paris Road need to be cleaned out this fall, sod on side of the roads that is clogging ditches.

· Colin Wentworth mentioned work that needs to be completed on Dewey Hill and on Paris Road. Glenn will investigate Cameron Seal Company to see what they offer at Colin’s suggestion. Pat Stearns will work with the property owner to take care of the brush by Platt’s house on Paris Road that needs to be cut back as it is causing a visibility problem.

· Road Inventory—Select Board reviewed all the Town roads. The following changes need to be reported to the NH Department of Transportation:

o Cloutier Drive—Not Fully Paved

o Croteau Road—-Not paved, all gravel

o Lee Hill Road— Part of this road is now a town-maintained road (.2 miles is paved, .2 miles is unpaved)

o Meacham Road is no longer maintained by the Town

o Recycle Road is maintained by the Town

o Sawyer Road is no longer maintained by the Town

o Stone Drive is maintained by the Town

· Ray Perkins mentioned to the Select Board that he stopped a 5th wheel lined up to go through the bridge. The suggestion was made that we put maximum height signs on the bridge.

· Crystal Pelletier is working with the Dummer Select Board to come up with an agreement regarding the sharing of equipment and/or personnel. The Boards will work together to write a detailed mutual aid agreement.

· The Fire Department SOPs are complete; the firemen will sign off on them then present them to the Select Board. Jim Hickey stated they should be SOGs not SOPs. The Select Board will leave that decision up to the Fire Department.

· Colin Wentworth was in to talk about Zellow, which he disconnected. Need support of Profile Technologies to get hooked back up. Some fire fighters are dropping off Zellow; Stephan Gilman will work with IT to get Zellow running. Colin would like to get the app, “I AM RESPONDING” running; prior fire chief had set up. Colin would like the password, which the prior fire chief provided to the Town Office, to get the app set up. If Colin cannot get it set up through the IT fire wall, Colin is willing to donate a computer to the fire department. The donation will be in writing; the Town Office will provide the password for “I AM RESPONDING”.

Old Business

· Floodplain Development Ordinance

o Select Board discussed the Floodplain Ordinance. Bob Gale from the Planning Board suggested the Town Office have floodplain maps available. Patty will get maps from MSC (Map Support Center).

o Patty will type/format the Floodplain Ordinance for Select Board approval.

· Leighton Meadow Bridge Updates

o Reviewed notes from Bruce Knox; Select Board would like a special meeting on October 8th if possible.

· Crystal Pelletier asked about bridge signs; Glenn Wiggin will check with Kevin Spenser to see if he will make signs for the bridge.

New Business

· Election Dates—-September 10, 2024, and November 5, 2024

o Select Board signed appointments for election officials

· State Police/Crystal

o Crystal received several messages about State Police being around on Route 110; she has called the State Police and they are willing to patrol Route 110 more often. Select Board agreed to provide the State Police with our Wi-Fi password so they have internet access around the Town Hall.

· School Plowing/Crystal—Glenn Wiggin attended the August school board meeting to discuss plowing of the school parking lot. The Select Board made an offer to cover plowing through the Town budget to save school money in their budget. The School Board will let the Town know if they are willing to give it a try.

Other Business

· Dog Kennel—Patty Peel explained that Carlo Calle would like to purchase the dog kennel by the Town Garage. The Select Board will look at what is at the Town Garage to discuss at the next meeting.

Transfer Station Permit

· Select Board worked on completing the Transfer Station Application for Waiver and Application for Permit by Notification. The Waiver and Application for Notification will be submitted together. The waiver must be filed because the functioning part of the Transfer Station is supposed to be 50 feet from the lot line; the building housing recyclables is only about 7 feet from the lot line and has always been this way. Patty Peel had the missing information for the Application for Permit by Notification, the date facility construction for commenced. Glenn will take care of the remaining paperwork that needs to be completed prior to submitting.

Other Business

· Crystal Pelletier asked about the vehicle gas tags; Patty has not had time to start that process.

· The Select Board discussed road signs: Bell Hill needs to be put up, speed signs need to be put up, Town Garage needs to be fixed.

· Contracting Policy—Crystal Pelletier made a motion to accept as written, 2nd by Henry Dion. Motion Passed.

· Glenn Wiggin asked about a policy for the billing of fire department issues. Glenn will get information to Crystal and Crystal will write the policy. The policy will cover the billing of unpermitted burns and permitted burn/campfire that goes awry and involves forestry.

· Select Board discussed getting contracts for maintenance on Sullivan Road that would be earmarked for next year in hopes of encumbering any leftover monies to pay for the road repairs.

· Select Board talked about highway maintenance priority list for Pat and Stephan; Crystal will complete a list then email to others to comment and/or add to.

· Stephan Gilman will be mowing the landfill tomorrow using the Troybuilt. He asked for permission to transport his truck and trailer to transport the equipment. SB approved the transport of equipment with understanding that the Town insurance does not cover.


· Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

o Meeting adjourned at 8:11



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, August 22, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier, Henry Dion; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Jack Pepau, Patrick Stearns, Dana Caron, Dennis Lunn, Kevin Spencer, Karen Spencer, Stephan Gilman, Lawrence Maillow

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— July 31, 2024 and August 7 & 13, 2024

Motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Glen Wiggin, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following:

· Select Board signed Septic Plan for M/L 409-11, Ripaldi.

· Select Board signed Septic Plan for M/L 411-23, Kidder.

· Select Board signed Office Manager July Reconciliation Quickbooks to Passumpsic for General Fund.

· Select Board signed Office Manager July Reconciliation Quickbooks to Passumpsic for Heritage Account.

· Select Board signed Treasurer’s July Reconciliation to Passumpsic for Heritage Account.

Citizen Requests

· Rhonda & Dana Caron—Town Garage Road

Mr. Caron was in attendance. Mr. Caron mentioned the end of Town Garage Road washes out in the middle, would like it built up and get it crowned. Select Board Chair, Glenn Wiggin, explained that SB has created a list of priorities for maintenance of Town roads. Select Board will go look at Town Garage Road again. Crystal Pelletier added that Town Garage is on one of the lists of priorities.

Department Reports


· Pat Stearns gave an update on road work complete. Discussed with Select Board work on Paris Road.

· Glenn Wiggin made a motion to allow Patrick Stearns to purchase up to $500 in supplies without SB approval, Crystal 2nd. Motion Passed

· Pat Stearns asked about attending SB meetings; SB expects department heads to attend the 1st meeting of month.

· Pat Stearns has put in request with Primex to attend chainsaw safety class.

· Glenn Wiggin asked Pat Stearns about pothole repairs. Glenn Wiggin encouraged to make square cuts before filling with cold patch (may need to rent a tool to make square cut).

· Salt Contract—Pat Stears will call companies the Town received bids from and ask about locking into a price: Do we have to guarantee purchase of a set amount? Pat will also reach out to Cloutier Sand & Gravel for a timeline on delivering sand to mix with salt. In the past this has gotten mixed as it is delivered to the delivery time needs to be coordinated.

· Gravel/Cloutier Construction—What is the Town’s balance with Cloutier Sand and Gravel? Could we use it for winter sand? Patrick will check with Albert to see if it can be used.

· Patty Peel gave an update on Cloutier Sand and Gravel’s response to the Town’s request for help with gravel on Northside Road. Cloutier Sand & Gravel does not feel it is their responsibility as the amount they charged the Town for the work they completed left money in the budget for this purpose.

· Crystal Pelletier provided Henry Dion with a copy of the Town roads list and asked that he take over the roads that the previous SB member was covering; SB is working to measure roads and look at nodes on Nodal map, compare length State of NH says we are covering and the length the Town says.

Fire Department

· Fire Trucks

o Reminder to Chief Pepau that expenses over $500 must come before SB, including maintenance on trucks.

o Jack Pepau shared that W1 is out for repair for exhaust system: Glenn asked if we had estimate, get ahead of time please.

o Crystal Pelletier asked about the heater box replacement; Fitch Fuel is replacing it on Friday.

o Crystal Pelletier asked about the possibility of selling one of the tankers. Jack Pepau said it is a possibility but need to see how other fire fighters feel. Crystal asked that they consider use and need. Crystal Pelletier is going to list the other truck the Town wants to sell on NHMA once Patty Peel sends her the information.

Old Business

· Locks/Keys —Glenn Wiggin is still looking for information on the non-copyable keys/locks.

· Energy Committee Update—Bob Gale gave SB letter saying committee is subcommittee of Planning Board; Henry Dion will fill Lisa Demers’ position on Planning Board and Energy Committee; need Bob Gale/committee to come in and discuss. Crystal Pelletier would like to know what we are doing with the Energy committee—-what is purpose?

· Floodplain Development Ordinance—We have received back from the Planning Board with recommended updates; Patty Peel will get copies to SB for review. Crystal has the original on her computer when the updates are approved.

New Business

· Floodplain Needs Assessment/FEMA—Henry Dion is taking to look over and see if falls under the Planning Board.

Other Business

· Larry Maillow asked if anything is in the plans for working on Sullivan Road? Glenn Wiggin stated the price to gravel Sullivan Road is $80000-$90000; would have to go into next year’s budget but is next on road priority list after Woodbury Cole Road; Crystal Pelletier shared that summer road maintenance is not done yet, hoping to get some rocks out of Sullivan Road.

· Karen Spencer asked if any grants were in place for Leighton Meadow? Glenn Wiggin shared that we have hired an engineer and are moving forward to replace the bridge. The Town has received some monies from the State in the past couple of years, unanticipated revenue to be used for bridges. Karen Spencer asked what the plan was for the bridge. Glenn explained that the plan calls for leaving abutments that are there, build in front and behind. Will be a flat deck bridge, longer, wider, and raised up some.

· Larry Maillow asked if the Town is trying to get a licensed Road Agent? Glenn Wiggin explained that we have hired an individual who can grow and learn the job.

· Stephan Gilman asked for permission to order a set of protective wheel covers for the trailer at the transfer station. No motion necessary, cost under $500. Transfer Station Operator can order without permission.

· Stephan Gilman and Crystal Pelletier will work together to update information on the sign at the Transfer Station.

· Glenn Wiggin is working on the Transfer Station permit with the DES and will bring back information to the SB.

· Stephan Gilman, with agreement from Chief Pepau, is going back to one lock on the gate.

· Patty Peel updated the Select Board on rules/regulations for Election Officials for the upcoming elections.

· Jack and Ellen Pepau will donate to the Town the lights on the flagpoles.


· Motion to adjourn by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

· Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manage



Select Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

4:30 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

· Glenn Wiggin called meeting to order at 4:30 pm

Persons in Attendance for all or part of the meeting

· Select Board Members Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier; Office Manager, Patty Peel

· John Berube, Henry Dion, Dale Leighton Sr.


· RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

· Glenn Wiggin motion to go into nonpublic session at 4:31 pm, 2nd Crystal Pelletier Motion Passed

Return to Public Session

· Glenn Wiggin made a motion to return to public session at 6 pm, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Other Business

· Glenn Wiggin announced that Henry Dion will be appointed to fill the vacant select board position.

· Glenn Wiggin announced that Patrick Stearns was offered a Level 1 Public Works position with the opportunity to eventually move up to Road Agent. Patty Peel will contact Pat to come in and fill out the necessary paperwork. Glenn Wiggin will talk with Pat regarding work for next week.

· Discussed rates from Brian Mason for road maintenance.

· The Select Board approved and signed an agreement with Mason Enterprises for work on Woodbury Cole Road totaling $9700.

· The Select Board approved and signed an agreement with Mason Enterprises for ditching on Bell Hill Road totaling $5760. Town employees will fix and repair the sink holes on Bell Hill Road.

· The Select Board approved and signed an agreement with Mason Enterprises for fixing driveways on Northside Road, needed because of the new paving job completed earlier in the summer. This contract totals $7500.00.

· Patty Peel will reach out to Cloutier Construction asking if they will agree to cover the cost of gravel, as previously requested by the Select Board.

· The Select Board approved and signed an agreement with Mason Enterprises for $130/hour for grading and operator price as needed throughout 2024.

· Glenn Wiggin spoke with Matthew from Eversource; they are still reviewing; Glenn Wiggin will meet with Matthew to look at damage to Lee Hill Road.

· Select Board signed revised OHRV ordinance.

· Sign Checks and Manifest 18 for Heritage Center Totaling $1291.09

· Sign Checks and Manifest 33 for General Fund Totaling $116,604.36

· The Select Board reviewed the town road inventory; board members will be reviewing information to make certain NH DOT has the most updated information on Town Roads.


· Glenn motion to adjourn, 2nd Crystal Pelletier Motion Passed

o Meeting adjourned at 6:17 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________ __________________________________

Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair Date Approved


Crystal Pelletier, Select Board Member

*Planning Board Meeting August 14, 2024 6 pm Stark Town Hall




August 13, 2024

Members Present: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier

Motion to enter Nonpublic Session made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session.

RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Roll Call Vote to enter nonpublic session Glenn Wiggin-yes, Crystal Pelletier-yes

Entered nonpublic session at 4:31 p.m.

Other people present during all or part of the nonpublic session: Patty Peel, Office Manager; John Berube, Henry Dion, Dale Leighton, Sr.

Description of matters discussed in nonpublic session:

· The Select Board interviewed the three candidates interested in the vacant position on the Select Board. Board members discussed hiring an assistant road agent.

· Glenn Wiggin made a motion to hire Patrick Stearns to fill Level I Public Works position at a rate of $21 per hour, hours to be determined. 2nd Crystal Pelletier Motion Passed

· Crystal Pelletier made motion to appoint Henry Dion to fill the vacant position on the Select Board, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed

Note: Under RSA 91-A:3, III. Minutes of proceedings in nonpublic sessions shall be kept and the record of all actions shall be promptly made available for public inspection, except as provided in this section.

Minutes and decisions reached in nonpublic session shall be publicly disclosed within 72 hours of the

meeting, unless, by recorded vote of 2/3 of the members present, it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of this

board, or render the proposed action of the board ineffective, or pertain to terrorism. In the event of

such circumstances, information may be withheld until, in the opinion of a majority of members, the

aforesaid circumstances no longer apply.

Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2ndby Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Public session reconvened at 6 p.m.

These minutes recorded by Patricia Peel, Office Manager.

__________________________________ __________________________________

Glenn Wiggin, Select Board Chair Date Approved


Crystal Pelletier, Select Board Member


Draft minutes 7 Aug 24

Select Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes Wednesday, August 7, 2024
12 PM
Stark Town Office

Call to Order
Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 12 pm. Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting
Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier
Others present: Patrick Stearns and Dan Fogg
· RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.
Glenn Wiggin made a motion to enter nonpublic sessions, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed
Select Board entered nonpublic session at 12:02pm.
Public Session Reconvened at 1:50 PM
Department Reports
· Highways

Northside Road- Select Board members reached out for quotes to fix the driveways that are too low due to the road being raised 2 feet above where they were prior to the reconstruction done by Cloutier Construction. These quotes also included installing gravel shoulders the full length of the newly paved road to prevent damage to the new road and to help with drainage. Glenn Wiggen got a quote from Brian Mason for $7500 if he had to provide the gravel and $5900 if Cloutier Construction agrees to provide gravel for the project. Crystal Pelletier got a quote from Blaktop Inc of $6704 plus the cost of gravel if Cloutier Construction does not agree to provide gravel. Crystal Pelletier asked if the quote from Brian Mason included putting recycled asphalt at the Abbott house since he has an asphalt driveway. Glenn Wiggin said it did. Crystal Pelletier made a motion to accept the bid from Brian Mason, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin motion passed. Glenn Wiggin will reach out to Brian Mason for the soonest timeframe so the residents can have driveways clear.

Woodbury Cole – Glenn Wiggin said the board had not received any bid from the other contractors and made a motion to accept the bid from Brian Mason for Woodbury Cole Road. 2nd by Crystal Pelletier motion passed. Glenn Wiggin said Brian would not be able to start the work until the end of August or first of September.

Bell Hill – Glenn Wiggin is reaching out to Brian Mason for a copy of the quote he gave to Lisa Demers for Bell Hill repair. Providing the quote is still $7000 Crystal Pelletier made a motion to accept the the bid. 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Glenn Wiggin

stated he had spoken with Brian Mason about Bell Hill and that Brian had said he could do it in conjunction with Woodbury Cole road at the end of Aug 1st of September.

Lee Hill – Glenn Wiggin is reaching out to Matt Kohler (eversource) and Jacob (Michaels) to request reimbursement for repair work needed on Lee Hill.

Ditching/scraping – Glenn Wiggin spoke with Brian Mason about hiring someone to do ditching/scraping on all of the Town roads that need it. Cost is $130 per hour. Crystal Pelletier made motion to accept the offer and to ensure he starts on Paris Road and that side of Town. 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. This work will begin next week. Percy Road still has a lot of trees/branches that need to be cleared before ditching can be done there.

Culverts – Crystal Pelletier said that Stephan and Jake Pelletier are planning to resume culvert clearing/cleaning and that hopefully the job will be a bit easier once the ditching is done.

Highway Block Grant – Crystal Pelletier said she had received a call from Chris Wheelock about the Highway Block Grant that every town gets every year. Board discussed where the money was being spent and decided that more information was needed from others who were not available. Crystal Pelletier also mentioned the mileage being reported for the town seemed low (25 miles of Class V road) and that we should check the accuracy and make changes to the State next year so that we may get more grant money if the numbers reported are low.

Cold Patch – has been delivered. Selectmen agree that will be a priority following the ditching/culvert clearing.
o Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed. o Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.

*August 13, 2024 NONPUBLIC Stark Town Hall 4:30 pm RSA 91-A:3, II(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.
*August 22, 2024 Select Board Meeting 6 pm Stark Town Hall



Select Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: James Hickey, Stephan Gilman, Elaine Monahan, Rodney Monahan Sr., Brad Morrill, Henry Dion, Bob Gale

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— July 17, 2024

Motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Glen Wiggin, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following:

· Select Board signed Manifest, General Fund, for $2,353.14

· Select Board signed Manifest, Heritage Center, for $1,410

· Select Board signed Office Manager June Reconciliation of QuickBooks to General Fund

· Select Board signed Septic Plan for Map/Lot 201-33, owned by Eric Stevens

· Select Board signed Treasurer’s Report for Heritage Center, both May and June

· Select Board signed Treasurer’s Report for General Fund for June

Citizen Requests

· Donna Estabrook—Sullivan Road

o Not in attendance

Department Reports

· Highways

Glenn Wiggin updated the Select Board on highway work. Dingman Road and Donovan Road have new signs. Glenn will be working with Stephan Gilman to put up a speed limit sign by Bonnie Knapp’s house.

Glenn Wiggin is working with Ronnie Lunn to create an attachment to use with the backhoe.

Crystal Pelletier asked about the waddles used for erosion control; the Town current has 10 at the Town Garage. Glenn Wiggin and Stephan put one section out on Northside Road. Crystal Pelletier put sandbags in an area to wash out. Crystal asked about getting some of the seeded material that rolls out as Lee Hill needs to be seeded. Glenn Wiggin will research the seeded material.

Glenn Wiggin reached out to NHMA concerning snow removal if we do not find a road agent prior to snow hitting. Because we have had no luck locally with outside contractors, NHMA suggests advertising through MRI (Municipal Resources Inc.). Crystal Pelletier will research MRI. NHMA also suggested reaching out to NH DOT to see if they can get a contract with the Town. Local contractors could also be hired to plow a road or a couple roads in Town.

Glenn Wiggin shared information he gathered from NHMA on the road repairs on Northside Road. Because Cloutier Construction completed the road repairs on Northside Road and elevated the road without Select Board approval, the Select Board is going to reach out and ask that they provide the gravel for the work needed on Northside Road, at no cost to the Town.

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to send Cloutier Construction a letter asking them to provide gravel for the necessary repairs to Northside Road, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Crystal Pelletier asked Glenn Wiggin about contractors to complete the necessary repairs on Northside Road. Glenn Wiggin will get a quote from Mason and Crystal Pelletier will get a quote from Blaktop. The Select Board will meet August 7, 2024, at noon to review the quotes from both Mason and Blaktop.

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to order a pallet of cold patch, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Patty Peel will order the cold patch and get a delivery date.

The Select Board discussed roadside cutting in Stark, NH. The Select Board agreed to contact Dummer Select Board and their road agent regarding the use of their equipment one day a week to cut grass if they hire the Dummer road agent to run the equipment. Crystal Pelletier will speak with the Select Board; Glenn Wiggin will contact the road agent.

· Highway/Fire—Fuel Distribution Program/Tags

Select Board discussed the fuel distribution program; Patty Peel with sort out the FOBS/TAGS with the State DOT and everyone using the FOBS/TAGS to put fuel in a Town Vehicle will have his/her own PIN.

· Fire Department

o TIMS Update/Chief Pepau; Stephan Gilman and Jack Pepau have not gotten together to discuss.

o Fire Truck/69 Mack—Glenn motion to lower price to $7500 range; have Town Office as contact, 2ndby Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed. The truck will be on display at the Car Show on August 4, 2024.

o Patty Peel will ask Jack Pepau to attend the August 7, 2024, meeting

Old Business

· Motion to accept Loan Agreement & OHRV Ordinance

o Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept the Equipment Load Agreement with Dummer, NH, 2ndby Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

o Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept the OHRV Ordinance, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

· Dog List—-All dogs in Town, except for one, have been licensed. The Town Clerk will proceed with the paperwork to file a Civil Forfeiture against the owner of the unlicensed dog.

New Business

· Keys—Patty Peel presented the quote from North Country Lock and Key for putting new locks on the Town Office doors and doors at the Town Garage. Glenn Wiggin will check and see if we can get non-duplicable locks and keys and replace ourselves.

· DES—Permit by Notification—-Glenn Wiggin has called the NH DES to check the status of the Permit by Notification for the Transfer Station. Samantha Lazo is our contact with DES; she is sending Glenn a detailed list of all the steps we need to take to become compliant.

· Crystal Pelletier has reviewed the Hazardous Mitigation grant; the grant must be used to update the Hazard Mitigation Plan; it is not available to use for other purposes.

Other Business

· Select Board signed a raffle permit for the Pew Owners Association of the Stark Union Church.

· Select Board signed the E911 letter that allows access to our E911 data to support Broadband Mapping in town.


· RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to enter nonpublic sessions, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Select Board entered nonpublic session at 7:04 pm.

Public Session Reconvened at 7:29 PM

· Select Board discussed August meeting schedule

*August 7, 2024 at Noon Stark Town Hall

*August 13, 2024 NONPUBLIC Stark Town Hall 4:30 pm RSA 91-A:3, II(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

*August 22, 2024 Select Board Meeting 6 pm Stark Town Hall



o Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

o Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager

__________________________________ __



Select Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: James Hickey, Rodney Monahan, Elaine Monahan, Jay Beaton, Colin Wentworth, Stephan Gilman, Matthew Koehler, Shawn Donahue

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— July 3, 2024

Motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Glen Wiggin, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following:

· Select Board Signed Manifest 16, Heritage Center, for $180.00

· Select Board Signed Manifest 29, General Fund, for $22,002.17

· Select Board Signed Sewage Disposal System Approval for Merrill, M/L 408/72

· Select Board Signed Treasurer’s General Fund Report for May 2024

· Select Board Signed Office Manager’s Bank Reconciliation for Heritage Center June 2024

· Select Board Signed Land Use Change Tax Bills for Goddu (M/L 412-34.12), Eldredge (M/L 412-34.9), Leblanc (M/L 412-34.13)

· Select Board Signed Septic Plan Map/Lot 410/6 Boudle

· Signed pistol permit from Marquis


· Accept/Announce Resignation

o Glenn Wiggin announced the resignation of Lisa Demers as SB member; the SB is asking citizens interested in filling position to complete application, available at Town Office; the applications should be turned in to the Town Office by July 31, 2024.

Citizen Requests

· Colin Wentworth, EMD—Hazardous Mitigation Grant

o Colin Wentworth spoke about a grant the Town could receive from NH Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. The Select Board will review the grant information.

Department Reports

· Highway/Public Works

o Contact for Road Conditions—The school requested a contact for road conditions; Glenn Wiggin will be the Select Board contact for road conditions.

o Stephan Gilman asked about safety vests that were purchased earlier this year. Stephan will search Town vehicles for the vests.

o Stephan Gilman reached out to Dan Fogg who had a sign for Dingman Road; Glenn Wiggin and Stephan will get up on Friday. Glenn asked Stephan to also look for a Donovan Road sign.

o Glenn Wiggin talked about erosion concerns on Northside Road, Lee Hill Road, and Bell Hill Road. Stephan Gilman talked about the debris on Thompson Road. Culverts need to be cleaned; Jake Pelletier cleaned out culverts on Thompson Road that were backed up. Croteau mowing is unable to mow until the debris gets cleaned up. The Select Board asked Stephan Gilman to clean up the debris on Thursday, July 18, 2024 so the lawn mowing can be done. Glenn Wiggin and Stephan Gilman are going to put water bars of stone in the drainage trench opened on Lee Hill and clean out in front of the culvert to help stop the erosion.

o Colin Wentworth asked for a report on any road damage/repairs from the last storm as we could apply for reimbursement from FEMA if the Town roads had enough damage.

o Crystal Pelletier inquired about Glenn talking with Ron Lunn about fabricating an attachment for the backhoe that would help cut down brush and clean up road signs. Glenn has not been able to get in touch with Ron Lunn.

o Stephan Gilman reported that —-July 23rd at 8 am need exhaust fixed on Fire Truck.

· Fire Department

o Christine Lake Call/Crystal

§ Select Board discussed the latest fire call at Christine Lake. Question as to whether the Town should investigate or hand over to law enforcement. No decisions were made.

o TIMS Update/Chief Pepau

§ In Chief Pepau’s absence, Glenn Wiggin asked Stephan Gilman if he knew anything about the firefighters completing the TIMS training. The SB asked Stephan Gilman to coordinate with Chief Pepau to see if any of the firefighters in house could get trained as a trainer. Crystal Pelletier mentioned that the SB was just asking the firefighters to have TIMS I training.

o Foam Take Back Program

§ Select Board discussed the AFFF Takeback Program. Some concern about buckets of hazardous material that were taken out of Stark and stored in Shelburne, NH. Lisa Demers spoke with Charles Nesbitt, Jr, who mentioned to Lisa that the AFFF would be returned to Stark prior to the Take Back Day. To gather more information, the SB asked Stephan Gilman to reach out to Shelburne Fire Chief and Patty Peel to contact the DES.

o Fire Box

§ Crystal Pelletier made a motion to replace the fire box at the fire station, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed

Old Business

· Leighton Meadow Bridge

o SB reviewed the information provided by Bruce Knox. SB asked Patty Peel to get the cost estimate for both a concrete deck and a timber deck.

· Coos County Broadband Committee

o Crystal Pelletier will be the Stark representative to the Coos County Broadband Committee. Crystal will gather more information about the request for use of town-wide 911 data to support Broadband Mapping.

o Glenn Wiggin mentioned concern that some residents have duplicate numbers. The SB requested that a letter be sent to landowners along the unnamed private road up by Pike Pond, as a courtesy, to let them know that they may not get timely response from emergency management if they are not part of the 911 system. Naming the unnamed road is necessary prior to assigning 911 numbers.

New Business

· Chevrolet is a sponsor of the upcoming Olympics taking place in Paris, France. The Chevrolet company is recognizing a “HOMETOWN HERO” from every state in the USA with a Town/City of Paris. Because Paris, NH, is an unincorporated community located withing the towns of Stark and Dummer, Chevrolet would like to sponsor a “Hometown Hero” from Stark, NH. Patty Peel will contact Chevrolet to find a due date for a nomination. Watch and Stark Neighborhood for more details!

· Patty Peel asked for a Select Board representative to the Planning Board. This will be decided once the SB appoints a 3rd member to the Board.

· The SB addressed all questions about the assessment process asked by Shawn Donahue.

· The SB received an email regarding concerns with a property on Woodbury Cole Road. The Select Board felt it was private property and they did not have enough information to become involved.

· Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn at 7:36 pm, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

· Stephan Gilman will follow up on the Permit by Notification. He will reach out to Lisa Demers to ask for the DES contact she has been working.

· Matthew Koehler from Eversource updated the Select Board on his work with Karen and Kevin Spencer; Matt feels the issue has been resolved. Matt also shared that the property owners voicing a concern about flooding on their property had contacted the Eversource hotline and were working with representatives to resolve their concerns. Glenn Wiggin provided Matt with his phone number as the Select Board contact.

Adjournment· Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn at 7:36 pm, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed



Select Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Stephan Gilman, James Hickey, Donna Estabrook, Elaine Monahan, Rodney J. Monahan, Robert G. Gale

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— June 19, 2024

Motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Glen Wiggin, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following:

· Select Board signed Oath of Office for Cemetery Trustee, Bonnie Knapp.

· Select Board Signed Notice of Welfare Lien.

· Select Board signed PA-16: Application for Reimbursement to Towns/Cities in which Federal and State Forest Land is Situated.

· Select Board did not sign Land Use Change Tax for parcel known on tax map as map and lot 412/34.9, 412/34.13, and 412/34.12 because the tax bills have the land on Woodbury Cole Road. However, these properties are not on the Town road but rather a private road. Patty Peel will check with Avitar.

Citizen Requests

· Stephan Gilman—Update on CDL

*Stephan Gilman is working to get his CDL license; it is a work in progress.

Department Reports

· Highway/Public Works

o Glenn Wiggin shared that Lee Hill Road work started to clean up drainage.

o Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept the resignation of Ron Boivin, Assistant Road Agent, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

o Glenn Wiggin discussed the need for ditches to be cleaned prior to mowing.

o Glenn Wiggin made the following motion: “Any Town Employee, while on the clock, if they are driving by something that they see to be a quick fix to take care of it and let the Select Board know what they did with a time limit of 15 minutes and no dollar expense.” Crystal Pelletier 2ndthe motion. Motion Passed.

o Discussion about taking care of the driveways on Northside Road where driveways meet the new pavement. Crystal Pelletier made a motion that Select Board talk with landowners and get the work done, 2ndby Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed. Glenn will contact the affected landowners/homeowners on Northside Road. Crystal will reach out to Blaktop to get an estimate on the cost of them coming back and working on driveways.

o Stephan Gilman inquired about the safety vests the Town was supposed to purchase. Patty Peel will look into this.

o Stephan Gilman will check at the Town Garage to see if we have a Dingman Road sign.

o Percy Road Update—Glenn Wiggin gave an update on Percy Road. Water has dried up for now; Eversource has been out to see landowner; no report on what they agreed to do.

o Patty Peel reported a resident complaint regarding the condition of Potter Road—Sides overgrown, trees down, need to walk in middle.

o Glenn Wiggin stated that brush needs to be cleaned out of the ditches prior to mowing. Glenn Wiggin suggested he reach out to Ron Lunn about fabricating an attachment to the backhoe that would help cut down brush and clean up sides of road.

o Speed Limit Sign Request—Keith Knapp would like speed limit signs posted; Glenn Wiggin will give Keith Knapp a call.

· Fire Department

o TIMS Update—-No update on the TIMS training as Fire Chief, Jack Pepau, was not available.

o Stephan Gilman provided an update on the fire department; will be attending a parade tomorrow for the 4thof July; the roof at the fire station has been fixed. Stephan asked the SB about moving metal behind the fire station; Stephan will use Town equipment to clean up on July 12, 2024. He will look for help from other firemen. 250thUpdate—OK for banner on front of Town Hall

Old Business

· 250thUpdate—Patty Peel provided update on the 250th celebration and asked SB for permission to hang a banner on the front of the Town Hall. SB is fine with the banner being hung.

· Delinquent Dogs—Reviewed list of dogs in Town not yet licensed. This is still a work in process to get all dogs licensed.

· Energy Providers—Town currently on Eversource; August 1st Eversource going to change; Patty Peel provided information she had collected on options. Patty will continue to move forward with a few options and get together with Crystal Pelletier to review the information.

· Thompson Road Property Update—The property at 40 Thompson Road, which was taken by tax deed on May 19, 2021, has been sold. The Town has received all money due the Town and the property will return to the tax books.


o Glenn Wiggin made a motion to adjourn, 2ndby Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

o Meeting adjourned at 6:57 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager



Select Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Lisa Demers, Crystal Pelletier; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Others present: Ron Boivin, Jim Hickey, Stephan Gilman, Lynn Beede, Karen Spencer, Kevin Spencer, Robert Kidder, Matthew Koehler, Chris Wheelock, Donna Estabrook, Bob Gale

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— June 5, 10, & 11, 2024

Motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Glen Wiggin, 2nd Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Sign the Following:

· Select Board signed Heritage Center Manifest 14 for $501.21.

· Select Board signed General Fund Manifest 25 for $3381.49.

· Select Board signed Treasurer’s Heritage Center Report for April 2024.

· Select Board signed Recycling Ordinance.

· Select Board signed Sewage Disposal System Construction Letter for 408/72.

Department Reports

· Cemetery—Chris Wheelock

o Cemetery Trustee, Chris Wheelock, updated the Select Board on cemetery business. Blake Cemetery work will be finished in the next week when the kiosk, identifying those buried in the cemetery, gets placed. Due to a vacancy in the Cemetery Trustee Board, the cemetery trustees requested the Select Board appoint Bonnie Knapp to fill the position until March 2026. Lisa Demers made a motion to appoint Bonnie Knapp as Cemetery Trustee until March 2026, Glenn Wiggin 2nd the motion. Motion Passed

o The cemetery trustees have recently received requests for burials in the village cemetery. Once they have resolved these requests, they will research proper procedures for closing the cemetery.

· Highway/Public Works

o Northside Road Paving is set to begin at the end of June 2024.

o Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept the resignation of Dakota Wheeler as a Public Works employee, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

· Fire Department

o TIMS Training—discussion skipped over as Chief Pepau was not in attendance.

o Crystal Pelletier let the SB know that Jay Beaton had completed training and turned in his certificate for flagging.

Citizen Requests

· Stephan Gilman—CDL Licensing

o Stephan Gilman is applying to get his CDL A license and would like to use the Town truck to take his test. Glenn Wiggin asked Stephan to get information from the DMV; the SB would like to know if the Town will need to line up a driver to go with Stephan to take the test.

· Bob Kidder—Time Capsule

o Bob Kidder spoke about a time capsule buried in Town between 1974-1976. Bob would like the Select Board’s help in finding the time capsule. Glenn Wiggin told Bob the SB would try to help locate but cannot tear up pavement to find it. Suggestions included calling Dig Safe for information and/or using a metal detector.

· Lynn Beede—Groundwater Drainage Concerns

o Lynn Beede submitted a letter to the Select Board requesting that the SB investigate a drainage concern on her property and other properties on Percy Road. It is believed that work completed by Eversource on the “Rebuild of O154” might be the cause of the water flow. A Project Hotline numbers, 1-888-926-5534, was provided to the public by Matt Koehler, a liaison between Eversource and the municipality. Lynn has had contact with Roy Sheehan from Eversource; she will send another email and cc the Town of Stark in the email. Karen and Kevin Spencer also spoke about concerns with the water flow. In addition, they are missing property border markers. Matt Koehler will talk with Jacob, from Eversource, who oversaw the project for Eversource regarding property markers.

Old Business

· OHRV Vehicle Trail Permission

o Select Board signed the OHRV Vehicle Trail Permission form from Northern Gateway Trails Club.

· Road Work List

o The Select Board has created a “Road Work” list which will be posted at the Town Hall. Patty Peel will get a copy to Ron Boivin and Stephan Gilman.

New Business

· Delinquent Dog List

o Select Board will talk with individuals on the delinquent dog list prior to serving a civil forfeiture.

· Roadside Gardens

o Glenn Wiggin made a motion to allow spending of up to $250 by Deb Joyce for flowers at the roadside gardens, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

· PA-28

o Select Board signed approval to use PA-28 for assessing purposes in 2025.

Other Business

· Patty Peel shared that Avitar will be sending out Preliminary Assessed Value letters by the end of this week; the estimated assessed value increase is a 122% increase. Informal review phone appointments will be available for property owners who would like to review their assessment with Avitar. Any property owner needing help setting up the phone appointment may call the Town Office at 603-636-2118.

· Crystal Pelletier brought up that Eversource rates are changing in July; Crystal would like the Town to look at other providers and research rates. Patty Peel will investigate other providers and their rates.

· Keving Spencer asked about stone being placed in trench where Town worked. Select Board waiting to see what Eversource is going to do to fix the water flow problem.

· Lisa Demers shared a Northern NH Emergency Service Showcase happening on Saturday.

· Glenn Wiggin will be seeking estimates for work needing to be completed on Woodbury Cole Road.


· Motion by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier to go into nonpublic session, pursuant to:

RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the

disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the

employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open,

in which case the request shall be granted.

· RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

· Motion Passed Select Board entered nonpublic session at 7:36 pm.

· Select Board returned to public session at 8:21 pm.

Special meeting 6-10-24


Select Board Meeting DRAFT Agenda

Monday, June 10, 2024

10:30 am

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Glenn called the meeting to order at 10:34 am

Persons Present for All or part of the Meeting

Select Board Members Glenn Wiggin, Lisa Demers, Crystal Pelletier; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Business of the Meeting


o Select Board received an update on installation of wires. As part of the Consolidated Fidium Fiber Project conduit will be run underground along the side of Route 110 from the pole along the school fence to the pole past the church. Once the Town Office is given a date, notice will be put the information out to the public.

o SB voiced concern regarding spinning of tires along gravel roads and clearing branches/brush in landowners’ yards. Patty Peel will inform them of these concerns.


o Select Board signed OHRV Vehicle Trail Permission from Northern Gateway Trails Club. The Town should sign the same form with the Milan Trail Huggers. Crystal Pelletier will reach out to the club.

o The Select Board discussed the possibility of getting some help from the Milan Trail Huggers with the purchase of chloride for dirt roads being ridden on by OHRV riders.


o The Select Board is looking to fill a part-time public works position. What are we looking for? Advertise the position as Road Agent/Assistant Road Agent. Road agent needs to be able to evaluate roads, supervise/delegate, and help with physical work.

· MOTION TO ENTER NONPUBLIC: Made by Lisa Demers, seconded by Crystal Pelletier. Motion carried. SB entered nonpublic at 11:05 am pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant.

· MOTION TO RETURN TO PUBLIC SESSION: Made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion carried. SB returned to public session at 12:04 pm.


o Evaluate Roads, Delegate and/or execute maintenance, must have minimum of a CDL-B

o Wages starting at $22/hour, negotiable based on experience.

o The Office Manager will create advertisement and get out to public.


o Glenn Wiggin brought up the responsibilities of department heads. Glenn voiced that department heads should have been available at the recent fire extinguisher inspections in each building.

o Fishing Derby coming up; Stephan Gilman should be the contact for use of the transfer station.

o Keys for town facilities/buildings were discussed. Glenn Wiggin made a motion that the Select Board relinquish keys to Town Buildings/Facilities except for the main door to the Town Hall and the door to the map room; 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

· A lock box will be placed in the map room with keys to the transfer center, heritage center, library, town garage; each SB member will receive a key to the lock box.


o The Select Board reviewed the condition of each Town Road and created a priority list for road maintenance. Crystal Pelletier will type up the list.

o Crystal Pelletier will attend the fire department meeting on June 10, 2024, to talk about cleaning out culverts. While at the meeting she will check on stop signs for flagging.

o Woodbury Cole Road was identified by the SB as a road that needs to be our priority. Patty Peel will generate a list of abutters on Woodbury Cole Road. Glenn Wiggin is getting quotes for the work on Woodbury Cole Road.

o At the 2014 Town Meeting Meacham Road was reclassified as Class VI; Patty Peel will investigate removing Meacham Road from the road list and getting an updated list.

o Lisa Demers reached out to Matt from Michaels regarding possible work on Bell Hill Road and Lee Hill Road; after talking with the Michaels’ Community Group, Matt will get back in touch with Lisa to let her know what they can do to help on those roads.


o Sign needed to identify where Stone Road turns into a private road.

o Sign at junction of Leighton Meadow, Bell Hill, and Sullivan Road to identify each road.


o Crystal Pelletier mentioned that the fire department roof needed fixing and would like to see volunteers do the work.


o Motion to adjourn by Lisa Demers, 2nd by Glenn Wiggins. Motion passed unanimously.

o Meeting adjourned at 1:46 pm



Select Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, May 31, 2024

1 PM

Stark Town Office


Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Lisa Demers; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Bob Gale, Karen Spenser


Select Board participated in a Zoom meeting sponsored by the Local Infrastructure Hub titled “Solid Waste for Recycling for Infrastructure.” The meeting is one in a series of Zoom meetings focused on supporting municipalities in applying for grants to improve management and infrastructure systems for recyclable materials.

Following the Zoom meeting discussion included the Solid Waste grant possibilities and bridge grant possibilities.


Meeting adjourned at 2:24 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager



Select Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes

Wednesday, May 24, 2024

1 PM

Stark Town Office


Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Lisa Demers; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Bob Gale


Select Board participated in a Zoom meeting sponsored by the Local Infrastructure Hub titled “Solid Waste for Recycling for Infrastructure.” The meeting is one in a series of Zoom meetings focused on supporting municipalities in applying for grants to improve management and infrastructure systems for recyclable materials.


Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager




Select Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Lisa Demers, Crystal Pelletier; Office Manager, Patty Peel

James Hickey, Rodney Monahan, Stephan Gilman, Jack Pepau, Dan Fogg, Chris Caron, Bob Gale, Ron Boivin

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings—April 17, 29, and May 1& 10, 2024

Motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Glen Wiggin, 2nd Lisa Demers. Motion Passed

Sign the Following:

· Select Board signed Checks & Manifest 20 Totaling $17,650.97

· Select Board signed 2024 Property Tax Warrant

· Select Board signed Office Manager Reconciliation for Checking & Heritage Passumpsic bank accounts.

· Select Board signed appointment for John Pepau, Jr. as Fire Chief

· Select Board signed DrummondWoodsum Terms of Engagement

· Select Board signed Septic Plan for Matt Gorham, Map and Lot 409-11

· Select Board signed Septic Plan for Veronica Boudle, Map and Lot 410-6

· Select Board signed Intent to Cut for Harley Mason Lot 405-58

· Select Board signed Intent to Cut for Bonnie Knapp Lot 408-106

Dan Fogg

· Dan Fogg reviewed the 250th parade application with the Select Board; Dan will update the application/map and submit to State for approval.

· Dan Fogg reported that the road sign on Dingman Road needs to be replaced.

· Dan Fogg is concerned about the condition of Dingman Road. Snow dumped on his property left sand that will prohibit grass from growing. SB will investigate snow being pushed somewhere else. In addition, pavement is breaking up and the road needs ditching and sweeping.

Department Reports

· Highway

o John Ryan Resignation, Winter Plowing, Snow Removal Town Property, Road Sweeping

§ Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept the resignation of John Ryan, 2nd by Lisa Demers. Motion Passed.

§ Glenn Wiggin made a motion to advertise for a public works employee, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

· The Select Board will also review applications on file to see if we have anyone that may match our needs.

§ Lisa Demers inquired about the ruts at the old landfill. Glenn Wiggin reported that Stephan Gilman and Dennis Lunn tamped down the ruts. Glenn Wiggin and Lisa Demers will check out ruts to see if they require more work.

§ Lisa Demers asked about the large pothole at the bottom of Bell Hill. Lisa will talk to Albert Cloutier and see if he can give us a cost for reconstructing that section once he completes the work on Northside Road.

§ Lisa Demers talked about grading budget. Not much money left for grading in June or July. Glenn Wiggin stated that the 2nd grading should be on select roads and not the entire Town.

§ Select Board discussed condition of roads. Ditching needs to be a priority. Woodbury Cole Road also needs to be a priority.

· Select Board will send a letter to the property owners on Woodbury Cole Road requesting permission to cut into the right of way and offering a time to meet with landowners.

§ Ron Boivin was asked about the need for sweeping the Town Roads. Ron will get in touch with White to see when he can get sweeping completed in Town. Once we have a date for the sweeping the Town Office will get it out to residents.

· Fire Department

o The Fire Department Standard Operating Guide (SOG) is a work in progress. Once it is completed the JLMC will review for safety concerns.

o Town Hall Sign

§ Thank you to Rodney Monahan for the Town Hall sign. The SVFD will hang the sign ASAP.

Old Business

· JLMC Committee—Crystal Pelletier submitted a list of members on the Joint Loss Management Committee (Employer Representatives: Crystal Pelletier & Stephan Gilman; Employee Representatives: Dan Peel, Dennis Lunn, Jay Beaton, Linda Wentworth). The SB approved this committee; Crystal will set a date to have a meeting.

· Janitor Contract—–SB signed the janitor contract.

· Policies—

o Patty Peel mentioned three policies still needing to be reviewed…Safety & Health Requirement Policy, Hiring Policy, Fire Department Compensation Policy.

o Lisa Demers asked about the Volunteer Waiver. This will be added to the list of policies to review.

o Policy Cover Sheet needs a column stating how many pages in each policy (eg. 1 of 1). Patty Peel will make the necessary revisions for the June 5th, 2024 meeting.

· Ordinances

o Select Board approved and signed the following updated ordinances: Snowmobile Ordinance, Street Numbering Ordinance, Local Health Ordinance for Management of Solid Waste, Permissible Fireworks Ordinance, Heavy Hauling Ordinance, Public Landing at Christine Lake Ordinance. The OHRV Ordinance will be rewritten to not limit the use of roads for access to the NH OHRV trail system to residents only. Select Board members will stop in the Town Office tomorrow to sign the revised ordinance.

o Patty Peel mentioned two ordinances still being reviewed… Flood Plain and Recycling.

o The Flood Plain Ordinance is in the hands of the Planning Board. Lisa Demers will inquire about the ordinance at the next meeting.

o Crystal Pelletier handed out a copy of the Recycling Ordinance for Select Board members to review prior to the meeting.

New Business

· Rodney Monahan inquired about lights on the flags at the John Stark Park and the cemetery if they are going to be flown at night. Jack Pepau will look for lights as he purchased the light at the fire station.

· Bridge Inspection Report—Annual Bridge Inspection Report reviewed by the Select Board.

· NHMA Grant Writing Training Bootcamp—Select Board members will participate; Patty will post the training as a public meeting at the Town Hall.

· Select Board approved the washing of bridges by the Fire Department.

· Stephan Gilman asked about the use of fire trucks to help slow down traffic during the 250th events. Select Board is fine with that if they are manned by volunteers.

· Stephan Gilman asked if he could close the transfer station on August 3rd and have it open August 2nd instead. The SB is fine with that if the rescheduling is posted in advance.

· Crystal Pelletier reminded the public that ALL items discussed at Select Board meetings should be on the agenda unless an emergency arises; the agenda is completed by noon the Thursday prior to the meeting.

· Bob Gale informed the Select Board that a subcommittee to the energy committee, consisting of Planning Board members, has been organized. Bob will send the Town an organized list of the committee members.


Motion by Glenn Wiggin to enter nonpublic session, 2nd by Crysal Pelletier, pursuant to:

RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the

disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the

employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open,

in which case the request shall be granted.

RSA 91-A:3, II(e) Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation which has been

threatened in writing of filed by or against this board or any subdivision thereof, or by or against

any member thereof because of his or her membership therein, until the claim or litigation has

been fully adjudicated or otherwise settled.

RSA 91-A:3, II (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation

of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting.

This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of

a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant.

Motion Passed. Select Board entered nonpublic session at 7:32 pm.

Motion to return to public session made by Lisa Demers, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed

Select Board returned to public session at 8:57 pm.

Motion to seal minutes of nonpublic session pursuant RSA 91-A:3, II (c) by Lisa Demers, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier.

Motion passed.

Patty Peel mentioned damage done to the Heritage Center by the snowplow/snow removal. Everett Frizzell

requested that the damage be taken care of. Select Board will investigate this.


Motion to adjourn by Lisa Demers, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:57 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager




Select Board Meeting Minutes DRAFT

Wednesday, May 10, 2024

2 PM 

Stark Fire Station

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 2 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Crystal Pelletier

Stephan Gilman, Jack Pepau

Other Business SOG’s were reviewed and discussed. Some wording was adjusted, added or removed to ensure the SOG’s reflect current Fire Department Procedures. Discussed changing the policy from Guidelines to Procedures.


Motion to adjourn by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.



Select Board Meeting Minutes DRAFT

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

6 PM 

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Lisa Demers, Crystal Pelletier; Office Manager, Patty Peel

James Hickey, Rodney Monahan, Elaine Monahan, Everett Frizzell, Stephan Gilman, Jack Pepau, Cristol Lavallee, Kelly Butler, Henry Dion, Cheryl Gale, Bob Gale

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— April 17, 2024

Motion to waive the reading of the minutes, Glen Wiggin, 2nd Lisa Demers. Motion Passed.

Sign the Following:

  • Select Board signed checks & Manifest 18 totaling $40,888.63.
  • Select Board signed Intents to Excavate/Mason 405-58 & 405-59-1 and Cloutier 408-90 & 408-103.
  • Select Board signed Grave Tax Warrant/405-58 & 405-59-1.
  • Select Board signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Northumberland Public Library.
  • Select Board signed a Parade Permit for the 250th
  • Select Board signed a Forest Fire Report/Bill.

Department Reports

  • Heritage Center—Everett Frizzell
    • Heritage Center committee submitted a request to transfer $10,000 from the Heritage Center checking account to Heritage Center CD.
      • Motion by Lisa Demers to move $10,000 from Heritage Center checking account to Heritage Center CD, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin.
    • The walkway going up to the main entrance of Heritage Center is ledge pack; moss has grown over it. The committee would like to contact Dereck Croteau for an estimate of cost to scrape down.
  • Highway—Woodbury Cole Road; Union Church Lawn Work
    • Select Board discussed Woodbury Cole Road. Glenn Wiggin has reached out to Mason and Ben Lewis for estimates on repair and will reach out to Cloutier Construction. It was discussed that the landowners on Woodbury Cole Road should also be contacted.
    • Glenn Wiggin mentioned that the damage done by pushing snow onto the Union Church lawn had been taken care of. The Select Board discussed not plowing snow onto the Stark Union Church property, which is privately owned by the Pew Owners. Options for plowing snow were discussed. Crystal Pelletier will go to the Stark School Board to discuss the possibility of pushing snow onto school property until it can be removed. Lisa Demers mentioned moving snow over to the property where the old fire department was. Patty Peel will look to see if the Town owns that property.
      • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to stop pushing snow onto the Union Church property and to stake and put ribbon up during winter months so visible and the Town doesn’t push snow onto property. Lisa Demer 2nd the motion. Motion Passed.
    • JLMC—Right to Know Follow Up, Letter of Resignation
      • Lisa Demers contacted the Labor Board to clarify whether the JLMC was subject to Right to Know. Lisa shared emails exchanged between herself and the NH Department of Labor. Crystal Pelletier discussed the organization of the JLMC, citing LAB 600 and 601. According to these regulations, a select board member should be on the JLMC as the management representative. Crystal Pelletier will be the representative from the Select Board. Crystal will work with the current employee to put together a viable committee and bring it back to the Select Board to accept. The Select Board agrees that the JLMC is subject to Right to Know and should be following RSA 91-A.
      • Glenn Wiggin read a letter of resignation from Ray Perkins, who submitted his resignation from the JLMC.
        • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept the resignation of Ray Perkins from the JLMC, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed 2-1, Glenn Wiggin-Yes, Crystal Pelletier-Yes, Lisa Demers-No.
      • Fire Dept—-Uniform Purchase; SOGs; Employment Application; Janitor Contract; Computer; Nomination of Chief from Assistant Chief
        • Select Board discussed the SOGs of the Stark Fire Department. The SOGs need to be gone through in more detail and updated. The SB asked that the fire department go back over the SOGs and update, then bring them back to the Select Board for approval.
        • Select Board were presented with a bill in the amount of $467.45 for a Class A Uniform ordered by Charles Nesbitt under the Stark Volunteer Fire Department account. Because this was a personal purchase, the bill should be the responsibility of Charles Nesbitt. Assistant Chief Jack Pepau was concerned that the purchase was under the Town’s account and 5 months past due, so he used his personal credit card to pay the bill. To date Assistant Chief Pepau has not been reimbursed by Charles Nesbitt. Lisa Demers will reach out to Charles Nesbitt to see what he has to say about the situation.
        • Assistant Chief, Jack Pepau, reached out to Charles Nesbitt to see if he intended to remain in the fire department as a fire fighter; at this time, it is his intent to remain on the fire department.
        • Glenn Wiggin submitted a contract to be used for all employees hired. Glenn made a motion to use the NH Employment Contract he submitted as an employee contract once the statements entitling an employee to severance pay are removed, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.
        • Jack Pepau was nominated to fill the position of Chief by the Stark Fire Department members.
          • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to appoint Jack Pepau as Chief of the Stark Volunteer Fire Department, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.
        • Chief Pepau requested the Select Board accept Jay Beaton onto the fire department.
          • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept Jay Beaton onto the fire department, pending a cleared criminal record check, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.
        • Select Board discussed the computer removed from the fire department that Charlie Nesbitt claims is his personal property. Patty Peel will consult with Drummond Woodsum law firm to get a legal opinion on how to proceed with the computer, which was used for Town business.
        • Select Board discussed applying for reimbursement for an EMT course paid for on behalf of a fire fighter. The SB will complete the application for reimbursement to the WorkInvestNH-EMT training reimbursement program.
      • Tax Collector—Tax Deed
        • Elaine Monahan, Tax Collector, asked the SB to sign a waiver of tax deed for one year on the Bartlett property. Select Board signed the deed waiver.

Old Business

  • Ordinance Review
    • Select Board reviewed the following ordinances:
      • Fireworks Ordinance—Ordinance will reference State RSA
      • Snowmobile Ordinance—Crystal will revise to say, “nearest trail access”.
      • OHRV Ordinance—Clarified use of Recycle Road to say “by Town of Stark Authorized Recycle Center Users.”
      • Patty Peel will put all on letterhead for the next meeting.
    • Policies: Safety, Discipline, Contractors List/Employee List/ Committee Members List, Hiring Policy
      • Safety Policy—Lisa Demers submitted suggested additions/changes for review by other SB members (Record keeping policy for accidents reporting, injury log, confined space defined for Town of Stark, Safety Health & Requirement Policy)
      • Discipline Policy—suggested changes by Glenn Wiggin and Lisa Demers given to Crystal Pelletier for editing.
      • Glenn—Contractor List/Employee List/Committee Member List submitted to other SB members for review.
      • Volunteer Policy—Lisa Demers submitted a Volunteer Policy from back in 2018 for SB consideration.
      • Crystal Pelletier shared with the SB the RSA regarding Criminal Record Checks.
    • Grading—Lisa Demers asked how the grading was going.
      • Grading complete on all Town Road by Mason Enterprises. Discussion on using all local resources available for grading. The Town Roads will most likely be graded at least one more time this year.
    • Copy Fees
      • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to change copy fees to 50 cents for the 1st 10 copies and 10 cents for copies beyond 10 copies, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.
    • Leighton Meadow Bridge Engineer Report: Roadway & Bridge Alignment Options
      • SB members were each given a copy of the report from Bruce Knox. Patty Peel will inquire about a 4th Town Office copy.

New Business

  • Lisa Demers mentioned that the Donovan Road sign needs to be replaced.
  • Glenn Wiggin mentioned another sign down at the junction of Leighton Meadow Bridge and Paris Road.
  • Lisa Demers spoke with Albert Cloutier regarding the reconstruction of a section of Northside Road. Supplies will be moved in on May 10th, 2024. Lisa asked the road agent, Ron Boivin, to reach out to Albert. Patty Peel will send letters out to residents in that stretch to let them know that work will be beginning and let Berry Transportation know.

Other Business

  • Jack Pepau shared that the water is up in the pond at the Transfer Station; Stephan has the inlet opened.
  • Lisa Demers asked how the dry hydrant was; Ron Boivin reported that it was usable.
  • Glenn Wiggin discussed a blanket statement from the Firemen’s Association giving Town all items at fire station. It was determined that the Select Board would like an itemized list, as an inventory was recently completed by the Select Board and some of the fire fighters.

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to go into nonpublic session at 7:48 pm, 2nd by Lisa Demers.  Motion passed.

Specific Statutory Reason cited as foundation for the nonpublic session:


RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the

       disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the

       employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open,

       in which case the request shall be granted.

       RSA 91-A:3, II (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely adversely affect the reputation

       of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting.

       This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of

       a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant.

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to return to public session, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

Public Session reconvened at 8:20 pm.

Motion to adjourn at 8:21 Glenn, 2nd Crystal.  Motion Passed.


Motion to adjourn by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.


Select Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 29, 2024
9 AM
Stark Town Office

Call to Order
Select Board gathered at the Stark Fire Station at 9:10 am.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting
Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Lisa Demers, Crystal Pelletier
Jay Beaton, Stephon Gilman, Jack Pepau

Those present inventoried and serialized uniforms and items in the Fire House.

Select Board voted to move the election items currently being stored at the Fire Station to the upstairs area at the Town Hall.

Select Board voted to dispose of unused/unneeded items such as tables, chairs, etc. to include donating a hose that was taken from the Forest Fire truck and no longer needed. Select Board voted to dispose of any outdated and unusable fire fighter uniforms such as jackets, pants, boots, helmets, etc.

Meeting adjourned at 12 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager



Select Board Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Lisa Demers, Crystal Pelletier; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Dennis Lunn, Stephan Gilman, Crystol Lavalee, Jack Pepau, Jay Beaton, Jim Hickey, Elaine Monahan, Rodney Monahan, Dan Demers, Bob Gale, Kelly Butler

Glenn Wiggin announced to those present that meetings were being recorded.

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— April 3, 2024

Lisa Demers made note of a change in the draft minutes that were posted on the Town of Stark website. The change falls under “Old Business” regarding the Transfer Station fence. The draft did not restate the original motion in entirety nor was the date of the minutes, September 5, 2023, stated correctly. The minutes of April 3, 2024, being signed by the Select Board, are correct.

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to waive reading of the minutes, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion passed unanimously.

Sign the Following:

· Select Board signed checks & Manifest 16 $21,690.85

· Select Board signed Quitclaim Deed from TOS to Sharon Smart, Ashley R. Prince-Miles, Julia Prince for Thompson Road property.

· Select Board signed Treasurer’s Reports: General Fund Feb -Mar 2024 & Heritage Account—Jan-Mar 2024

· Select Board signed Office Manager Monthly Reconciliation Reports: Jan-Mar 2024 for General Fund and Heritage Account.

· Select Board signed three pistol permits.

· Select Board signed Intent to Excavate Map/Lot 408-109.

· Select Board signed Library Memorandum of Understanding with Northumberland.

· Select Board signed an elderly exemption application.

· Select Board signed a letter to PSNH requesting information needed by our assessors.

Kelly Butler—JLMC

Kelly Butler read and submitted a written complaint to the Select Board stating that her Right to Know had been violated by the JLMC because the public was not notified of the March 21, 2024 meeting and the meeting minutes were not posted within 5 days following the meeting as required by RSA 91-A. Lisa Demers will investigate; Glenn Wiggin stated that the Select Board would want to hear what the JLMC Chairman has to say in response to the complaint. The Select Board will revisit this complaint at the May 1, 2024, meeting.

Department Reports

· Transfer Station Permit by Notification

o Stephan Gilman and Lisa Demers reported that things are moving along with the Permit by Notification. Lisa Demers will meet with Patty Peel to get information needed on abutters to the Transfer Station.

o Lisa Demers asked the Select Board about filling in ruts at the Percy Landfill; it is the feeling of the SB that the ground is still too wet to be working at the landfill.

o Cristol Lavallee inquired about the AxisGIS maps on the website; they can be found under the second tab, “Town Government”.

o Stephan Gilman brought to the attention of the SB two bags of trash left outside the gates of the Transfer Station. After looking through the contents, it appears that the bags may have been from spring clean-up at the cemetery. The TS Operator wants to make certain that dumping outside the gates does not become a norm, as it could result in crows wreaking havoc with trash. Glenn Wiggin will investigate this situation.

· Glenn Wiggin shared that the white town truck failed inspection due to a headlight issue that is being worked on.

· Select Board discussed the purchase of flame-retardant chaps for the highway department. Patty Peel will order two pairs of these chaps.

· The Select Board discussed with Assistant Fire Chief, Jack Pepau, the return of the forestry truck to the State Dept. of Natural & Cultural Resources, Division of Forests & Land. Mr. Pepau explained that the forestry truck was returned because they have a new engine that needs money spent on it and the department does not have enough money to spend on both trucks, so the forestry truck was taken back to Concord. Lisa Demers voiced concern that the truck went back and asked about the donated forest fire equipment. Jack explained the donated equipment is still at the station as the Division of Forests & Lands told the SVFD they could keep it. Glenn Wiggin shared that he supported the return of the truck though it should have been approved by the SB. The forestry truck is a 2-wheel drive truck and was not serviceable; the garage is crowded with trucks, and we pay insurance on it. Assistant Chief Pepau agreed that the fire department should have come before the Select Board prior to returning the vehicle. Crystal Pelletier asked how the department decided to return the truck? Jack Pepau responded that the officers made the decision. Crystal Pelletier asked if the forestry truck would have made a difference at prior fires the department responded to. The fire department members present did not agree as to whether it would have made a difference. Asst. Chief Jack Pepau stated that the new engine is not serviceable the way it is now as it does not have ladders, suction hose, or adapters. The suction hose the department has is on the tanker.

· Th MI Box that was located at the fire department has been returned to MI Box.

· Fire Chief, Jack Pepau, has submitted updated SOGs. The Select Board has the SOGs for review; the JLMC will be given a copy for review prior to the May 1, 2024, Select Board meeting. The SOGs will be discussed at the May 1, 2024, meeting.

· Patty presented three written resignations from fire department members. Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept the resignation of Rick Gonyer, Andrew Peare, and Kacie Evans from the Stark Volunteer Fire Department, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed Unanimously.

· Stephan submitted a blanket statement for SB to accept everything that belongs to the association as Town property; the SB asked for a dated and signed copy of the statement at the next meeting. Lisa Demers asked if all firefighters should be signing off on blanket list to avoid accepting someone’s personal property as Town property. Jim Hickey clarified that we are talking association property, not fire department property.

· Stephan Gilman presented a list of equipment recently purchased that is not at the station. Jack Pepau clarified that some of the items were returned but not all items. Stephan—lists of items Town purchase for fire dept; we have no idea where property is; Some of that equipment has come in, Charlie had some of it according to Jack; Glenn Wiggin would like the fire fighters reach out to the prior chief to inquire about the whereabouts of the items. Crystal Pelletier would like to start an inventory of all equipment; the SB and the fire fighters present agreed to meet Saturday afternoon to begin said inventory.

· Lisa inquired about a communications issue for fire fighters. Currently the system is down and needs to be reestablished. Stephan Gilman shared the Software through Zellow is being used for communication and is licensed to the Town; the Assistant Chief tried to secure the information on the Software once Chief Nesbitt resigned without success. Stephan needs to work with Profile Technologies to get the phone communications set up. Crystal Pelletier clarified that we have the hardware necessary and just need to work with IT, Profile Technologies, to get the Currently the calls

come through the fire fighters’ radios. Crystal Pelletier made a motion to let Stephan Gilman work with Profile Technologies to hook up the communication system to get text messages back out to the fire station, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed Unanimously.

· Lisa Demers brought up that the Town computer is slow, and she understood that the computer that was brought in was supposed to be part of the fire department’s belonging and would be listed on the fire department inventory. The desk was also donated.

· Jack Pepau asked that Jay Beaton be reinstated to the fire department. Lisa Demers would like to let things settle a bit with the fire department. Crystal Pelletier feels he should be reinstated to the fire department following some clarifications regarding positions and responsibilities. Glenn Wiggin stated that because Jay Beaton quit, he would need to go through the hiring process again.

· Glenn Wiggin stated that the janitor contract is being worked on. Jay can start cleaning any time; the contract will be signed once it is completed.

· Cristol Lavallee asked if the computer from the fire department is the one in 2023 Town Report Fire Chief’s Report that was mentioned as a donated computer? Crystal Pelletier stated that the SB is still looking into that issue. Dan Demers asked for more clarification on the computer issue. Glenn Wiggin stated that the SB is doing their due diligence to sort through the issue.

· Lisa Demers submitted a hiring checklist and a work policy/hiring policy for SB to review.

Old Business

· Social Media Comments

o Crystal Pelletier mentioned that at the last SB meeting the Board talked about putting our meeting minutes out on our website and social media for transparency. We asked the administrator of the Stark Neighborhood page to block any comments. This did not accomplish what was intended as people posted below the minutes. Crystal made a motion to not ask anyone to limit comments on the post we put out on social media unless the administrator feels they need to sensor the posts, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion Passed Unanimously.

· Personnel & Equipment Billing Rates

o Glenn Wiggin made a motion to use mutual aid rates when billing insurance companies for motor vehicle incidents, 2nd Lisa Demers. Motion Passed Unanimously.

· Library Trustee/Trustee of Trust Funds

o Crystal Pelletier made a motion to nominate Cristol Lavallee as Trustee of Trust Funds, 2nd by Lisa Demers. Motion Passed Unanimously.

New Business

· Ordinance Review

o Christine Lake Ordinance: Lisa Demers—Percy Summer Club owns property, Town no jurisdiction. Crystal Pelletier made a motion to rescind the ordinance “Regarding the Use of the Public Landing at Christine Lake”, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion passed unanimously.

o Snowmobile Ordinance—-Crystal Pelletier will rewrite and bring back to Select Board for signature.

o Street Numbering Ordinance—Crystal Pelletier will rewrite; the penalties will be removed.

o Septage and Sludge Ordinance—Crystal Pelletier will confer with Marc Brassard, Chair of the Planning Board, and look at the current RSA.

o Hauling over Town Bridges and Highways Ordinance—Crystal Pelletier will review the RSA and update as needed.

o Recycling Ordinance—Stephan Gilman is updating the recycling ordinance and will try to have it ready for the May 1, 2024, meeting.

o Fireworks Ordinance—Glenn Wiggin will investigate State regulation of fireworks and report back to the Select Board.

o Flood Plain Ordinance—Crystal Pelletier will ask the Planning Board to review this ordinance.

o OHRV Ordinance—Crystal Pelletier brought to the SB attention that the ordinance, as revised on September 6, 2023, changed Town roads from allowing access to the trail system

to being part of the trail system. The SB agreed that was not the intent. Crystal Pelletier will rewrite and bring it back to the Select Board.

· Road Grading

o Select Board discussed the option for road grading in Town.

o Glenn Wiggin made a motion to let Mason Enterprises come in and start grading roads on his side of Town, Bell Hill, Paris Road, Sullivan Road and will let him know if he can continue after those are completed. Seconded by Lisa Demers. Motion Passed Unanimously.

§ Lisa Demers made a motion to rescind this motion, 2nd by Crysal Pelletier. Motion Passed Unanimously.

o Crystal Pelletier made a motion to allow Glenn Wiggin to move forward with the grading of Town roads, ASAP, in the most cost-effective way, 2nd by Lisa Demers. Motion Passed Unanimously.

o Lisa Demers asked if the schedule for Cloutier Construction to complete road reconstruction had been confirmed for May? The Town has no recent confirmation; Lisa will reach out to Albert Cloutier and let him know about the grading.

Other Business

· Ron Lunn submitted a forest fire training bill for approval.

· Ron Lunn submitted an appointment of Jay Beaton as forest fire warden for approval.

· The SB discussed Junk Yard Licensing; the SB will NOT be issuing junk yard permits.

· SB read a letter from Mr. Lonergan recognizing the efforts of firefighters Jay Beaton, Jack Pepau, and Stephan Gilman.

· Lisa Demers submitted a letter addressed to Ray Perkins in response to his request for documents of her personal computer; Patty will forward the letter to Mr. Perkins.

· Jack Pepau asked if we should have an ordinance regarding illegal burns. It was decided that fire permits regulate illegal burns, so no ordinance is necessary.

Non-Public Session

Glenn Wiggin made a motion to go into nonpublic session at 8:43 pm, 2nd by Lisa Demers, Pursuant to RSA RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted. Motion Passed Unanimously.

· Motion to leave nonpublic session and return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Lisa Demers. Public Session reconvened at 9:18 pm.


· Motion to adjourn by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Lisa Demers. Motion passed unanimously.

o Meeting adjourned at 9:19 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia S. Peel, Office Manager



Select Board Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

6 PM

Stark Town Office

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Lisa Demers, Crystal Pelletier; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Stephen Gilman, Jim Hickey, Jack Pepau, Jay Beaton, Randy Beaton, Ron Boivin, Cheryl Gale, Bob Gale

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— March 20, 2024.

Select Board Member, Glenn Wiggin, made a motion to waive the reading of minutes, second by Lisa Demers.

Motion passed unanimously.

Sign Checks & Manifest 14 Totaling $19515.57

Select Board signed checks & manifest 14 totaling $19,515.57.

Sign Heritage Center Checks & Manifest 6 Totaling $375.81

Select Board signed Heritage Center checks & manifest 6 totaling $375.81.

Sign Intent to Excavate

Select Board signed Intent to Excavate 24-421-03E, Map/Lot 408-106.

Kelly Butler—JLMC

Move discussion to next meeting.

Department Reports

· Highways—Select Board reviewed road agent request for safety wear; Road agent reported receiving a burn on his leg, incident was filed with Primex.

· Fire Department—Letter of Resignation: Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept the letter of resignation as Fire Chief from Charles Nesbitt, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion Passed Unanimously.

· Fire Department—TIMS Training Update: Discussion regarding the TIMS training the SB had asked the fire fighters to complete, question as to whether all fire fighters should have to complete all modules. Motion by Glenn Wiggin to table the discussion until a new chief is appointed, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion passed unanimously.

· Fire Department—Janitor Position/Jay Beaton: Discussion with Jay Beaton regarding the position of janitor at the fire station. Motion by Glenn Wiggin that the Town acknowledge a paid janitor position at the fire station and that the Town hire Jay Beaton to fill said position at a rate of $11.60 per hour for 8 hours a month, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion passed unanimously.

· Fire Department—Containers Behind Station/Citizen Concern: Select Board reviewed citizen concern regarding 55-gallon drums and a 300-gallon oil storage container behind the fire station. Assistant Chief, Jack Pepau, will investigate this and dispose of any containers that exist.

· Fire Department—Heating System: Fitch Fuel recommends a new firebox at the Fire Station; Patty Peel will get a quote from Fitch Fuel.

Old Business

· Per Copy Charge: Due to an increase in requests for photocopies, the SB approved a per copy fee. Crystal Pelletier made a motion to charge 50 cents per copy, after the first 3 copies, 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion passed unanimously. · Select Board email Account: Select Board discussed the [email protected] email that was established by a vote of the SB on August 22, 2024. A motion was made by Glenn Wiggin to discontinue the [email protected] email and the stipulations for its use, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion passed unanimously.

· Select Board Correspondence: Lisa Demers made the following motion: When a Board member individually gathers information or asks questions, the answers shall be in writing when brought back to the SB table for discussion, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion passed unanimously.

· TS Fence: Follow up from previous SB meeting—At the August 22, 2023 meeting the SB passed a motion to put a fence around the Transfer Station as soon as possible; At The September 5, 2023 meeting a motion passed to put the fence on hold until the Operation Plan was approved by the DES; the fence would only be put up if required by the DES.

· Miles Property: Lisa Demers made a motion to move forward with the sale of the Town owned property on Thompson Road for $50,268.61 (the total owed at the time of deed plus expenses accrued since the deed), 2nd by Glenn Wiggin. Motion passed unanimously.

· Blacktop Proposal: Select Board discussed the Blaktop proposal for paving a section of Northside Road in Stark. Glenn Wiggin made a motion to accept the Blaktop proposal with the understanding that the Town will try to provide flaggers, 2nd by Lisa Demers. Motion passed unanimously.

· Website/Crystal: Crystal Pelletier has been designing a new website for Stark. It can be accessed at

· Recording Meetings: The SB discussed taking an audio recording of Select Board meetings. Crystal Pelletier made a motion to have the office manager record meetings and post the recording on the Town website until the next meeting, when the minutes are approved. Once the minutes are approved the audio will be deleted. Motion seconded by Glenn Wiggin. Motion passed unanimously.

New Business

· Social Media: Select Board discussed Town business being posted on social media. Patty Peel will talk with the administrator of the Stark Neighborhood page to see if it is possible to not allow comments under the Stark meeting minutes and the agenda for the meetings.

· Right to Know Workshop: The Select Board will participate in a Right to Know virtual workshop on April 17th, 2024, from 9 am – 2:30 pm at the Town Hall. The Select Board will meet after the workshop to review personnel files.

· Exemptions: SB signed exemption applications.

· Landfill Report: Select Board signed the Post Closure Report for the landfill.

· Town Official Appointments: Lisa Demers made a motion to appoint Elaine Monahan as Deputy Town Clerk, 3-year term; 2nd by Glenn Wiggin Motion passed unanimously.

o Lisa Demers made a motion to appoint Judy Wentworth as Deput Tax Collector for a one-year term, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion passed unanimously.

o The Town has 2 vacant positions, Library Trustee 1-year term and Trustee of Trust Funds until March Town Meeting 2026. Patty Peel will call those whose names were written in on the ballot at March 2024 Town Meeting to see if anyone is interested.

· Policy Letters/Crystal: Select Board discussed “Rules of Meetings” proposed by Crystal Pelletier; In the following rule the word “will” will be changed to may: “The Public will be allowed 2 minutes to speak at the end of the meeting.”

o Items will no longer be added to the SB meeting agendas after Thursday at noon the week prior to the meeting unless the item is deemed to be “time sensitive” by the Office Manager or a Select Board member.

o Crystal Pelletier shared a Cover Page for the Policy Binder that lists all policies adopted, the date adopted/updated, and page numbers.

· Insurance Bill: Patty Peel asked the SB to set rates to bill insurance companies for the use of Town Equipment and manpower at motor vehicle collisions. The SB will gather more information and come back with suggestions for a fee schedule.

Other Business

· Coos Broadband: Sb reviewed information from Lancaster Planning Office regarding the upgrade of broadband lines from copper to fiber. Information posted at the Town Hall.

· Christine Lake Request: Request for use of Christine Lake Beach came into the Town Office. The beach is overseen by the Percy Summer Club not the Town of Stark, NH.

· MS-535: SB signed the NH Department of Revenue form MS-535 Financial Report of the Budget for year ending Dec. 31, 2023.

· Bob Gale asked a question regarding JLMC membership. Lisa Demers stated that the JLMC must have a minimum membership of 4 members with at least one member being part of management. The SB appoints if a vacancy exists but does not direct the JLMC.

Non-Public: Motion to go into non-public by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier pursuant to :RSA 91-A:3, II (e) Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation which has been threatened in writing or filed by or against this board or any subdivision thereof, or by or against any member thereof because of his or her membership therein, until the claim or litigation has been fully adjudicated or otherwise settled.

Motion passed unanimously. SB entered nonpublic at 8:15 pm

Motion to return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier. Motion passed unanimously. Board returned to public session at 8:32 pm.

Non-Public: Motion to go into nonpublic by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier pursuant to: RSA 91-A:3, II (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant.

Motion passed unanimously. SB entered non-public at 8:33 pm.

Motion to return to public session by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Lisa Demers. Motion passed unanimously. Board returned to public session at 8:47 pm.

Motion to seal minutes by Lisa Demers, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier, because it is determined that divulgence of this information likely would adversely affect the reputation of any person other than a member of this board.


Motion to adjourn by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier.

Meeting adjourned at 8:49 pm.

*Planning Board Meeting April 10, 2024 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting April 17, 2024 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Virtual Workshop Right to Know Law April 17, 2024 9 am-2:30 pm Stark Town Hall

*Select Board Meeting April 17, 2024 2:30 pm Stark Town Hall Agenda: Personnel Files Review

*Select Board Meeting April 17, 2024 6 pm Stark Town Hall



Select Board Meeting Minutes

6 PM

Stark Town Office

March 20, 2024

Call to Order

Select Board Chairman, Glen Wiggin, called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

Chair Wiggin read the Rules of the Meeting.

Persons Present for All or Part of the Entire Meeting

Select Board Members: Glenn Wiggin, Lisa Demers, Crystal Pelletier; Office Manager, Patty Peel

Henry Dion, Kelly Butler, Karen Spencer, Kevin Spencer, Joya Gould, Chris Wheelock, Jim Hickey, Elaine Monahan, Rodney Monahan, Ray Perkins, Wayne Montgomery, Phil Stearns, Dan Demers, Cheryl Gale, Stephan Gilman, Bill Joyce, Tyrone Mickelboro, Jack Pepau, Bob Gale, Ron Boivin, Cheryl Gale

Read and approve minutes from previous meetings— March 6, 2024.

Select Board Member, Glenn Wiggin, made a motion to waive the reading of minutes, second by Crystal Pelletier.

Motion passed unanimously.

Sign Checks & Manifest 12 Totaling $15,246.18

Select Board signed checks & manifest 12 totaling $15,246.18.

Sign Pistol Permit

Select Board signed pistol permit for Crystal Pelletier

Sign Approved Work Safety Policy

Select Board signed Work Safety Policy

Sign MS-232

Select Board signed Dept. of Revenue form MS-232, Report of Appropriations Voted.

Sign Treasurer’s Reports

Select Board signed Treasurer’s Reports for December 2023 and January 2024.

Pew Owners: Lawn Maintenance

Phil Stearns, President of Pew Owners Association, addressed the SB. Due to damage done by the town plow to the lawn at the church, the Pew Owners are requesting financial support in repairing the lawn. It was decided that the Pew Owners would secure a quote for lawn repair and come back to the Select Board. Suggested that the Select Board work with road agent, if possible, to use Town equipment to help with repairs. Select Board Chair, Glenn Wiggin, said the Select Board will look for a solution so this does not continue to occur.

Ray Perkins: Procedures

Ray Perkins submitted a written request, Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A) for, “All emails, regarding for the period all critical inquiries and responses pertaining to government agencies and department, legal question, insurance questions, etc.” for the period from 8/22/23 to present that did not originate from the email address SELECTBOARD @TOWNOFSTARK.COM”.

Department Reports

  • Town Clerk, Patty Peel, was given the Oath of Office by Select Board Chair Glenn Wiggin. Patty reported that Stark was asked by the NH DMV to register motor vehicles for Northumberland in the interim while their newly elected Town Clerk receives training. Northumberland is willing to compensate us for any extra time our Town Clerk works to complete registration.
  • Glenn Wiggin made a motion to appoint Elaine Monahan as tax collector, Lisa Demers 2nd the motion. Motion Passed Unanimously. The Select Board signed a compensation agreement with the tax collector, as required by RSA 41:33.
  • Motion to move over the Public Works Discussion, to be discussed in nonpublic made by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Lisa Demers. Motion Passed Unanimously
  • Glenn Wiggin reviewed estimates received from Mason Enterprises on the rebuilding of Woodbury Cole Road. Discussion between Select Board and the public present on the condition of Town Roads. No decisions were made.
  • The request from Fire Chief, Charles Nesbitt, to bill insurance for a motor vehicle collision was reviewed. The Select Board requested Patty Peel reach out to the Chief to ask for the information necessary for the billing.

Old Business

  • Sealed Bid—Patty Peel will put the 1969 Mack CF600 Fire Engine out to bid on GovDeals and NHMA for a reserved bid of $10,000. Bids due by April 20, 2024. Patty Will check with the fire chief for other possible options to put out for bid.
  • Thompson Road House—Patty Peel reviewed the steps outlined by Attorney Riff’s office for the sale of tax deeded property. A question came up regarding a federal lien on the property. Patty will clarify with Attorney Riff’s Office.

New Business

  • Avitar—In 2025, Avitar will no longer have an assessor available to Stark. Patty Peel will get quotes from other assessors for the SB to review.
  • Riverside Rescue Proposal—The SB saw no need for the Town to enter into a contract with Riverside Rescue.
  • Planning Board Representative from SB—Motion by Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier, to appoint Lisa Demers as the SB representative to the Planning Board. Motion Passed Unanimously.

Other Business

  • 250th Celebration—The Select Board approved selling ducks for the Duck Race both at the Transfer Station and the Town Hall. A member of the 250th Celebration would sell at the Transfer Station. The Office Manager, Town Clerk, and Tax Collector will sell at the Town Hall.
  • Chris Wheelock apologized to the SB for a comment made at Town Meeting regarding permission to expend money in the unassigned fund balance. The SB does not have permission to spend without a vote of the Town Meeting, though they are able to use to reduce taxes. Chris suggested putting an article in the warrant next year to name the SB as agents to expend, up to a certain limit.
  • Bob Gale mentioned to the SB that the Planning Board could use some training/workshops.
  • Bob Gale mentioned that the Select Board had decided to put an article on the Town Meeting warrant to put a 2nd fence and gate at the transfer station. Patty Peel will look back at the minutes to see if the motion was made and passed by the SB.
  • Lisa Demers updated the Select Board on the Transfer Station. Everything is all set for Permit by Notification application and we are moving forward with the Waiver Application.
  • Lisa Demers shared bylaws for the fire department from 2014/2015. She also had SOGs for the Fire Department from 2019. The Fire Department and the JLMC should work on updating these documents and presenting them to the Select Board by April 17, 2024.
  • Lisa Demers asked if we had received a list of the credentials of each fire fighter, as requested at the March 6, 2024 meeting. She would also like to make certain we have criminal record checks and certification from all fire department members by April 30, 2024. Patty Peel will be responsible for gathering this information.
  • Select Board signed two excavation tax warrants and two intents to excavate.
  • Cheryl Nolan asked about library trustees elected; Patty Peel is still contacting those elected through write ins for these positions.


Glenn Wiggin made a motion to go into nonpublic pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a), (b), and (e), 2nd by Crystal Pelletier.  

Session 1: RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the

                 disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the

                employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open,

                 in which case the request shall be granted.

Session 2: RSA 91-A:3, II (b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Session 3: RSA 91-A:3, II(e) Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation which has been

threatened in writing of filed by or against this board or any subdivision thereof, or by or against any member thereof because of his or her membership therein, until the claim or litigation has been fully adjudicated or otherwise settled.

Glenn Wiggin Yes                Lisa Demers Yes                   Crystal Pelletier Yes

Motion Passed. Select Board Entered Non-public at 7:30 pm.

Motion to return to public session, Glenn Wiggin, 2nd Crystal Pelletier.

Glenn Wiggin Yes                Lisa Demers Yes                   Crystal Pelletier Yes

Public session reconvened at 9:02 pm.

Motion to Seal Minutes of non-public session 1 by Lisa Demers, 2nd by Crystal Pelletier because it is determined that divulgence of this information would likely adversely affect the reputation of another person other than a member of this Board.

Roll call vote to seal minutes: Glenn Wiggin yes, Lisa Demers yes, Crystal Pelletier yes

Motion Passed


Motion to adjourn Glenn Wiggin, 2nd by Lisa Demers

Meeting adjourned at 9:03 pm

*Select Board Meeting April 3, 2024 6 pm Stark Town Hall

*Planning Board Meeting April 10, 2024 6 pm Stark Town Hall