Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
6 PM
Stark Town Office
- Members present: Monique Hand, Bob Gale, Ray Perkins and Henry Dion. Absent Marc Brassard.
- Monique Hand called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM.
- Old Business
- Ray Perkins made a motion to waive the reading of the last minutes, second Bob Gale, motion carried. Ray made a motion to approve the previous meeting minutes, second Bob Gale, motion carried. Previous minutes approved and signed by those in attendance.
- New Business
- Marc Brassard verbally gave his resignation from the Board to Monique Hand. Pending formal written resignation submission to the town office. Discussion ensued. Patty to post vacancy asking interested parties to submit a letter of interest.
- Henry Dion made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Monique Hand, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 PM.
- Next meeting moved to Thursday, October 10th at 6:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Monique Hand, Secretary
Date Approved: ______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________________
Marc Brassard, Chair Henry Dion, SB Representative
____________________________________________ _______________________________________
Monique Hand Bob Gale
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
6 PM
Stark Town Office
· Planning Board, Chair, Marc Brassard called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm
· Those Present: Planning Board Members— Marc Brassard, Ray Perkins, Lisa Demers, Monique Hand and Bob Gale
· Old Business
o Marc Brassard made a motion to waive the reading of the previous meeting minutes, seconded by Ray Perkins. Motion carried.
· New Business
o Letter regarding accessory dwellings sent from NHMA to Lisa Demers was read aloud. Discussion ensued. Planning Board members will be provided with a copy of the letter for further review. To be discussed at the next meeting.
o Lisa updated the Board on the Leighton Meadow Bridge project.
o Discussion regarding the use of the upstairs of the town hall and making it ADA compliant.
o Bob Gale went to the bi-weekly energy meeting of Androscoggin Valley Electrical Collaborative in Berlin. Discussion ensued. Bob suggested a subcommittee be created off the planning board.
o Marc Brassard made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:4p pm, seconded by Monique Hand, motion carried.
· Other
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
6 PM
Stark Town Office
Call to Order 6 pm
Marc Brassard called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm
Those in attendance for all or part of the meeting:
Members: Marc Brassard, Monique Hand, Ray Perkins, Bob Gale, Lisa Demers
Read and approve minutes from previous meeting.
Marc Brassard read the minutes from the previous meeting. Bob Gale made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Monique Hand. Motion passed unanimously.
New Business
· Lisa Demers recommended that the Planning Board research options and present requests to the Select Board during the next budget cycle.
· Lisa Demers stated that there is a Right to Know training at the Town Hall on April 16th Planning Board members can attend.
· Marc Brassard made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Monique Hand. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:18 pm.
Respectfully Submitted by Monique Hand, Planning Board Member
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
6 PM
Stark Town Office
Call to Order 6 pm
Monique Hand made a motion at 6:10 pm to call the meeting to order; 2nd by Bob Gale.
Motion Passed Unanimously
Those in attendance for all or part of the meeting:
Members: Ray Perkins, Bob Gale, Monique Hand
Guests : Lisa Demers
Absent: Member Marc Brassard
Read and approve minutes from previous meeting.
Bob Gale made a motion to wave the reading of the previous minutes, 2nd by Ray Perkins
Motion Passed Unanimously
Minutes from previous meeting signed by those members in attendance.
New Business
- No Mail Items
- No Scheduled Business
- Lisa Demers discussed the filling of the Select Board representation vacancy on the planning board. She offered that she would be willing to fill the position. She will bring back to the Select Board to discuss
- Ray Perkins made a motion to adjourn at 6: 55 pm, seconded by Monique Hand.
Respectfully Submitted by Monique Hand, Planning Board Member
Date Approved: ______________________________
____________________________________________ _______________________________________
Marc Brassard, Chair SB Representative