250th Anniversary

Town of Stark’s 250thCelebration Committee

Tues, March 19, 2024

6:00 PM—Stark Fire Station

Attendees: Linda Wentworth, Cheryl Nolan, Stephan Gilman, Margaret Frizzell, Nancy Spaulding, Patty Peel, Cindy Boivin

Items for Discussion:

1. T-Shirts/Souvenirs

a. Sizes for our shirts (totally optional) Marlene Styles—if committee members would like to order a custom shirt and pay for it themselves, they will be able to, sizes will be collected

b. Confirm on site printing of t-shirts—Stephan will contact Sabrina McAllister to confirm that she will be able to come do on site printing

c. Coffee mugs—Dana was not present to report

2. Scavenger Hunt

a. Updates—Patty and Cheryle will get together to work on the specifics

b. Material needed

3. Bridge Dance

a. Brad Shedd very excited

b. Asked him about his promotional material

4. Food Vendors

a. Bruno’s Pizza—confirmed?

b. Papa Taco—confirmed?—Patty will reconnect to confirm

c. Fire Dept—confirmed?-Hot dogs and hamburgers

d. SOS committee—confirmed?—Nancy will contact Tia Cloutier

e. Ice cream—confirmed?—Cindy will contact Maryann’s in Whitefield

f. Michelle’s Mini Donuts—verbally confirmed, haven’t heard anything from her since initial contact—Cindy will reconnect and confirm

5. Parade

a. Still looking for someone to sing the National Anthem (I have a couple feelers out)—Patty will contact to see if the Donahue girls are available

b. Haven’t asked Gavin Cloutier yet about playing Taps

c. Setting up meeting for float entry participants

d. Horses-Frizzell—Stephan will ask Deb and Raymond; Also suggested Bill and Debbie Joyce

e. 4-H, School kids, bikes, ATV’s, Politicians, Tractors

f. Roger’s Rangers

g. American Legion

h. Still nothing from Governor’s Office (left message)

6. Games for kids

a. Dunk Tank—Cindy will contact Abbott’s

b. Bouncy House—Cindy will contact Abbott’s

Patty reported that she has been in contact with a magician for the day. The committee agreed to hire a magician to do a performance and walk-around during the activities.

7. Cornhole Tournament

a. Measurements of bridge

b. Area for kids games

It was suggested to hire Hunter McLoud to organize and carry out the cornhole tournament, Cindy will contact him to discuss whether he is available.

8. Craft Vendors

a. T-shirts—See above for information

b. Souvenirs—Still working on this

9. Duck Race

a. Sold 52 ducks to date

b. $260

c. Other events for opportunities to sell—Town Hall? Transfer Station?

10. Sunday Breakfast

a. Fire Dept

b. Volunteers (Firemen?)

c. Car Show

d. Arson Dog Demo—Cindy will contact to confirm

11. Other

a. Permits

b. Map for all activities

c. History Pamphlet

Patty is still working with the State to get 250thlicense plates to sell.

12. Next meeting: Tuesday, April 9, 2024, Stark Fire Station—6:00 pm

Town of Stark’s 250th Celebration Committee

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

6:00 PM-Stark Fire Dept.

Attendees: Nancy Spaulding, Dana Dowling, Dan Fogg, Cheryl Nolan, Cindy Boivin

Meeting began at 6:10 pm            Ended: 8:00 pm

Items for Discussion:

The Committee present discussed how things were moving along with the organization of the celebration. 

Bridge Dance:

Double checking with Brad Shedd—changed from Friday to Saturday—may be a charge of

$500 since it was changed.

                              The Committee agreed to pay $500.00 for the band if they are still available.

Food Vendors:

Mini-donuts—I spoke with Michelle, we just need to get in touch with her via her 

Facebook account to confirm—Cindy will contact her to set the date up.

Sunday Breakfast:

Dan-attend the meeting with firemen?  –Dan did not attend the meeting, but will attend 

a future meeting

Are we going ahead with this?—We are going ahead with this since we believe we will have 

enough volunteers whether the firemen help out or not.


Made out to the best of my ability—will get with Patty to finish them and submit them.

The hope is to have members of the committee available to sell duck numbers at the town 


Dan will be checking with the woman in Groveton about making a couple of banners, one for the antique car show and one for a banner for the parade.

We are in search of businesses that would be interested in submitting a float in the parade. We will be inviting all individuals and businesses to a meeting in April to discuss the rules, etc.

We also need volunteers for the celebration, August 3 & 4.  


Town of Stark’s 250th Celebration Meeting

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

6:00—Stark Fire Department

Attendees: Nancy Spaulding, Stephan Gilman, Cindy Boivin, Margaret Frizzell, Dan Fogg

Items for discussion:

Meeting began at 6:05 pm and ended 7:30 pm

Food trucks:

Still working on confirming, Papa Tacos, Bruno’s Pizza, Mini-Doughnuts, ice cream

Duck Race:

–Ducks are numbered 1-200

–Start selling them—selling numbers only not the duck itself—can have it after the race

–First place prize–$250, second place $150, third place $100

Scavenger Hunt:

Patty and Cheryl will be working on this


Decided on black and white design on different colored t-shirts; 100 of each popular color/sizes


Nancy will look into cloth calendars to see if we can get some printed

Dana Downing was looking into getting coffee mugs for the event

Bridge Dance:

Confirming to see if Brad Shedd can still do the dance, since we moved the date to Saturday,

August 3.

Cornhole Tournament:

–would like to have the competition on the covered bridge

–we will measure to see how many games can fit on the bridge

–first place, custom made boards

Permits (Raffle, Bridge use, etc):

I have the permits and they are made out to the best of my ability-I will get with Patty to finish

them and file them with the town

Games for kids:

Advertisements: Flyers, Website, etc

Car show:

Dan is looking into getting signs for the event

–prizes will be gift certificates of $150/$100/$50


Stephen was wondering about getting help for the breakfast because it takes a lot of people

Everyone is good with supporting/helping out at the breakfast

Dan will be attending the next fire dept meeting to encourage firefighters to help out as well


–Cindy will attend a school board meeting to ask about using the school yard August 3