Cemetery Trustee



Stark Heritage Building


Denis Lunn, Bonnie Knapp, Chris Wheelock, Stephan Gilman, Wayne & Debbie Montgomery

Meeting Opened at 5:00

Old Business:

Blake kiosk is in place. The plaque will be added in the next week or two.

New Business:

The Trustees of the Trust Funds had asked about 24 trusts which had been set up years ago. The trusts were set up for perpetual care for specific lots. Total funds are approximately $14000.00. What to do with the individual trusts?

Chris provided Crystol Lavallee with RSA 31:20

Charron Funeral Home requested that we review the size of our cemetery lots. They believe we should increase the size from 4×8 to 5×10 due to limited space for memorial bases.

The trustees will review and take action if needed.

Wayne & Debbie Montgomery asked if cremations could be added to family lots located in the Village cemetery.

Chris spoke with other area trustees and found that there were no rules or RSAs that did not allow for this. General practice is that if the Urn could be placed at least 30” below grade than the practice was normally accepted. The trustees voted 3-0 in favor of the Montgomery’s request. The Montgomery’s will provide a written request that will be signed by the trustees and put on file at the town office.

The question was raise about “Closing” cemeteries.

Nothing could be found to provide a procedure for closing a cemetery. Again, after speaking to area trustees, the normal practice is to stop selling lots. The trustees votes 3-0 to stop selling lots in both the Village and Percy cemeteries. Only previously sold lots will be used. All new sales of lots will be done at the Emerson cemetery.

No Meeting Schedule

Submitted by Chris Wheelock