Photo Gallery

Jaclyn Connelly
Pinebough Property Services
South Pond Sunrise – Susan Purdin
Groomer – Jay Beaton
Carlo Calle
Carlo Calle
Carlo Calle
Carlo Calle
Carlo Calle
Carlo Calle
Carlo Calle
Old town sign – Richard Marsh
Sheila Kleinpetier
Sheila Kleinpeter
Tia Cloutier
Richard Marsh
Tia Cloutier
Pike Pond – Matty Duke
Pike Pond – Matty Duke
View of Percy – Jeff Day
Percy – Jeff Day
Moose in the house – Bob Gale
Percy from North Side – Crystal Pelletier
North side – Crystal Pelletier
Percy in the fall – Crystal Pelletier
South Pond Loon – Crystal Pelletier
Kids playing – Crystal Pelletier
New town sign
General Stark – Richard Marsh
View from Devils Slide – Ray Perkins
Percy from the Joyce Farm – Bob Gale
Backyard Rainbow – Bob Gale
Bob Gale
Church at Christmas – Tia Cloutier
Church Steeple – Tia Cloutier
Tia Cloutier
Christine Lake – Tia Cloutier
Christine Lake – DanaLynn Dowling
Christine Aerial – Tim Cerato
Memoria to Veterans – Richard Marsh
Tia Cloutier
Bell Farm – DanaLynn Dowling
Backyard Sunrise – Bob Gale
Wintry day – Christopher Moses
Mark McKinstry
Mark McKinstry
Siobhan Haskins
Siobhan Haskins